105 And Thus Ends The Separation Arc (1/2)


The sky was already dark when I finally found the damn Monster Crystal.

It wasn't easy to find it since the worm was so damn big.

I couldn't even make use of the giant sword since it wasn't good for precision cutting, so I'm forced to use a short sword I had instead and slowly search for that damn crystal.

The only consolation was that the crystal was huge so it was hard to miss it when I finally found it.

Cutting open what seems to be the belly of the worm, I pulled out… Well, more like rolled out, a crystal the size of a small boulder.

Well, for a monster the size of the worm, the crystal's quite small in comparison to be honest.

Now I just need to process this like how Elaria showed me.

I believe the steps were to first break open the rock hard outer layer to expose the softer jelly-like core inside. Elaria claimed that the hard layer were the impurities that could be further processed into other materials but that isn't what I need now.

The softer core would be the crystallization of Pure Elemental Quarks that I needed.

In order to use it to power her machines, Elaria would need to put that jelly core into some kind of purifying extractor that would store the energy in some sort of battery that she can use to power the generators.

The exact procedure to that process is lost to me since we got interrupted at that time.

Fortunately for me, I do not need to purify it into an energy source for my current needs.

Theoretically, I should be able to use myself as a conduit to activate the Technique inscribed on the scroll using the crystallised quarks. This should be possible since I am, or in this body's case, possess the potential to be a Practitioner.

With the flat side of the giant sword, I hammered away at the top layer of the crystal, cracking it in order to expose the thing I needed underneath.

With that done, I laid out the scroll I needed on the ground in preparation to activate it.

Now all I need to do is just to grab this little core and--

My vision went white the moment my hands grasped the core, a huge surge of Pure Elemental Quarks going through my entire body. My body stiffened up and I could no longer control any part of my limbs.

The surge of energy showed no signs of stopping and I feel like I've just eaten enough for four people.

Ok, not good, there were more quarks than I thought… If it goes on at this rate, I'll probably explode.

Thinking fast, I redirected the flow of quarks to where my Cultivation Point would be, perhaps some form of stimulation would cause it to form earlier than normal.

My entire body began to burn painfully, almost as though I was submerged in lava.

Gritting my teeth, I powered through the pain, knowing that it wasn't the worst I've felt in this life.

The quarks slowly gathered into an orb, the pain intensifying the longer I held it there as more and more quarks entered my body from the crystal.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

The pain slowly subsided as I gathered all the quarks I could at one place, the burning settling down into more of a sweltering heat.

But just as I thought I managed to tide over the worst of it, another surge of energy washed over me from the crystal, the pain the double of what I felt just now.

I almost lost my focus in keeping the quarks stabilised, just managing to hold on at the last second.

The flow of quarks expanded the orb painfully inside my body, its size tripling in just a short few seconds.

My mind was going full throttle trying to find a way out of this predicament.

Just as I came up with a plan to redirect the flow out into the ground through my feet, I felt the stirring of something familiar deep within me.

A space just fit for the quarks to be stored was formed exactly at where I had directed the flow, apparently I was right that the stimulation will hasten the formation of my Cultivation Point.

The pain subsided again, this time the heat lowering into a comfortable warmth.

Just in case, I kept my focus up and watched over the quarks being absorbed into my newly formed Cultivation Point.

It took a good five minutes before the tide of Elemental Quarks ebbed, the stream turning into a trickle before shutting off completely.

The next half an hour was spent solely on stabilising the newly formed core.

It didn't take me long to realise that it was way bigger than it should be, like three times bigger than what I had normally and it's still growing in size even now.

Could this be a new discovery?

Stimulating prospective Practitioners' Cultivation Point with Pure Elemental Quarks to expand their Cultivation Point's size?

Could normal mortals also become Practitioners through this method?