Chapter 27: Training Mutants Squad (1/2)

While Li Yue was experimenting with his abilities, Charles and Eric, like the movie, seized the White Queen who had tempted Soviet officers.

Eric destroyed the diamondization of the White Queen and made Charles read the memory of the White Queen. This made Charles aware of Sebastian Shaw’s plan to let the Soviet Union deploy missiles in Cuba and eventually provoke the United States and the Soviet Union. The start of the war will then lead to a worldwide nuclear war. Human beings will be extinct due to nuclear radiation, and mutants can follow the trend to become masters of the earth.

Charles knew this, and he was not calm at the time. He always imagined that human beings could get along with mutants peacefully.

Eric had no idea. His purpose now is to get revenge on Sebastian Shaw. He killed his mother in that year.

Charles and Eric handed over the White Queen to the CIA, and then heard that the base was attacked, and there were countless deaths and injuries. Charles worried about the safety of the magical woman and drove towards the base quickly.


At the base at this time, some CIA people are packing up the messy scene, while the magic woman and the mutants are sitting there doing nothing, they are not so afraid of last night, unlike in the movie, Because of Li Yue's reasons, Angel Girl did not defect to the villain camp, and the black driver Darwin did not die.

thanked Li Yue for saving them last night, and they found that with Li Yue beside them, they would become very at ease.

”Riven, how are you? No harm!” Charles drove to the magical woman's side, and was assured that she was not injured.

”We are okay, there is no injury. At that time, Li Yue saved us.” The magic-shaped girl said briefly about the situation last night.

”I will send someone to send you home in a moment!” Charles looked at the other mutants again, and then said.

”We don't want to go back, we want to fight with you, not to mention that we no longer have a home, our loved ones look at us like a monster.” This is the black driver brother.

”I don't want to go back to prison again.” This is Alex.

”I don't want to go back and continue to be a prostitute!” This is an angel girl.


After listening to these words, Charles could only be silent, but Eric blinked his eyes, not knowing what to think.

”I don't want to meet this kind of thing, I can only tremble in the corner, and I can only survive by someone else's help.” The magic-shaped girl also said, and looked at Li Yue who was standing still without a word. .

”We can train them!” Eric said abruptly on the side, he was faced with the mutant team, but the tone was obviously for Charles.

”Eric, let's borrow a step.” Charles took Eric to the side.

”Eric, they are still children!”

”Once it was, they experienced what happened last night, and now they can no longer be treated as children.”

”Moreover, Sebastian Shaw has their team of mutants, and we also need to train a team of mutants.” Eric continued.

After listening to Eric, Charles pondered and looked back at those still green faces, and finally agreed.

”We need special training, everyone!”

”But we can't stay here anymore, even after this is repaired, it is no longer safe, we have no place to go!” The beast suddenly interrupted.

”No, we have a place to go.” Charles seemed to think of something and said something mysteriously.


”This is your house?”

looked at this huge European castle-like building, everyone was a little shocked, and the young man with long hair blurted out.

”No, it's ours now.” Charles replied.

”Charles, I don't know how you make money. Your life is too extravagant.” Yes, Lao Wan is the jealousy of Chiguo.

Li Yue was also a little shocked next to him. The professor deserved to build the local tyrant of the X-Men Police College by himself.