Chapter 161: The purpose of the old king (1/2)

From a quick sprint to an instantaneous stop, Techara was hardly affected in any way, showing his extremely strong physical control. After he stood still, he calmly replied to the figure projected by the virtual projection!

”Well, I'm waiting for you to come back in the palace!”

After the old king’s virtual projection finished speaking, it slowly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before!

”Guests, you must have heard the words of your father. It seems that our discussion will be postponed today!”

Techara raised her head, a little regret flashed in her eyes, and said to Li Yue in front of her!

”Hey, don't come sooner or later! Just come at this time, it seems that the good show is temporarily not a good thing!”

Tony sighed at Banner on the side as if he had lost much happiness!

”Okay, now that the old king is ready, we certainly can't let the old king wait more. It's not too late, so let's hurry back now!”

Li Yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was just thinking hard about how to face the discussion between Techara and himself! His own strength is very clear, even if only one percent of the power is used, there are dozens of tons!

He doesn't think Etchara, who has the same physical quality as the US team, can resist himself with his physical body.

Moreover, Techara also refused to put on his black panther suit, so he would not dare to hit him hard! Another accidentally killed him, and the old king could not fight with himself! It is estimated that the couple of Zhenjin Warframes being produced are going to be broken!

Seeing the news brought by the sudden appearance of the old king undoubtedly relieved Li Yue. This is the real time for the news!

”Well, since this is the case, I have a better idea. After we finish the lunch, it is expected that your armor should be able to be produced. By then, both of us will wear the Zhenjin armor, and then we will have a discussion. Avoid being hurt by our discussions!”

Techara never missed the discussion with Li Yue. Although he can't continue the discussion now, he can't help but propose that after Li Yue's battle armor is made, he will conduct unfinished discussions between the two parties!

”Okay, let's do what you said, and we will discuss it later. However, should we go back quickly at this time?”

Li Yue is not exclusive of Techara's next discussion, because he said that both parties put on Zhenjin's armor for discussion, and he will not be afraid of being unable to control his strength and let him be fatally injured. Now!

Although Techara wearing Zhenjin's armor is estimated to be unable to offset his too much strength, he still has to use his body to bear it, but the situation is definitely much better. At least if he puts his strength to the lowest, he will not Danger to life!

”Guests, please board the aircraft! We are going back!”

Techara greeted Tony and others.

The crowd did not say much, boarded the advanced aircraft of Wakanda again, and then after the door closed, the engine emitted blue flames, then the aircraft slowly rose into the air, and after a slow acceleration, toward the palace The direction is flying away!


It must be said that Wakanda's aircraft is very advanced. Not only is the flight very smooth, but the flight speed is also very fast. It takes dozens of kilometers to reach the palace from their location, but it took less than a few minutes to reach the palace.

As the aircraft landed slowly, and the hatch opened, Li Yue and others found out that the old king was standing in front of the palace waiting for them to arrive.

And beside the old king stood a group of strange-shaped people, male and female, but all were black! There is a weird man with a plate in his mouth, and an old man with a hair tray, and a head of cow dung on his head...

These people Li Yue also had the impression that they should have seen it in the Black Panther personal movie, as if they were the elders of Wakanda! Representing several other ethnic groups in Wakanda, and not all races believe in the Black Panther Goddess, but also believe in other gods!

Li Yue didn't know much about this, after all, he was not interested in Wakanda! He came to Wakanda just to revive the gold jersey. By the way, you can meet the future Panther Techara!

Of course, it is best to have a good relationship with him. When it is time for Techara to take over as king, wouldn’t it be more convenient to need Zhenjin again!


”Dear guests, how are you visiting Wakanda?”