v2 Chapter 301: Ready to detonate a nuclear bomb (1/2)

”No, they are in danger!”

Everyone in the command center, after the monster exploded, exuded a flash of lightning, he felt very bad in his heart!

At this time, although it was the first time someone saw the monster release electromagnetic pulse attack!

But they can imagine that such a strong electromagnetic pulse is still in the sea, and the damage caused by those mechas is undoubtedly fatal!

The facts did not surprise them, except for the dangerous meanders and the mechas driven by Li Yue, all three other mechas were severely damaged and even unable to resume operations!

And some people, looking at this situation, feel very bad at the same time, but they are also very puzzled. Dangerous wanderers can not be affected by electromagnetic pulses, which is justifiable!

But why, as the latest fifth-generation mecha, does the one Li Yue drives seem not to be affected by electromagnetic pulses at all?

However, the doubts in their hearts were quickly suppressed by other monsters attacking the three unmovable mechas!

At this moment, they had no intention of thinking about this, watching the monster finally couldn't bear it, launched a fierce attack on the inoperable mech, and their mood sank to the bottom in an instant!

Although they didn’t want to think like this, they knew that the mechas that couldn’t counterattack and couldn’t even move their bodies were like a live target under the monster’s attack. Torn to pieces!

”Hey, it seems that this plan will eventually fail!”

Everyone could not help but sigh in silence at the moment!


”Look at everyone, dangerous wanderers are rushing over to help!”

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, and then, the people who were sighing and sighing in their hearts instantly recovered and watched the latest situation carefully!

”Hey, there is only one mech, facing the attack of three monsters, I am afraid that the scorpion is the car!”

It's a pity that although they really saw it, the dangerous wanderer was quickly rushing to the position of the three mechs!

It should even be the reason that it has begun to move long ago. It seems that it can be the first to reach the three mechas to support when the monster's attack hits!

However, some people are very clear in their hearts that an armor, in any case, may not be able to defeat the three level 4 monsters, and even blocking is extremely difficult!

At this time, some people focused their attention on the armor driven by Li Yue in the distance, but found that Li Yue was showing great power at this time, and the fifth-level monster as his opponent was completely suppressed!

He was waving his weapon in succession, and greeted the monster constantly! There is no beauty at all, just like there is no regulation, just slashing!

However, it was very effective. The monster's body was continuously attacked by him, and it was impossible to parry the chopped body. The body was like no money, and a large amount of blue blood spewed out!

Even the limbs of the monster have been seriously injured, and only two forelimbs are left, so they cannot swim quickly to escape! Can only bear the attack of Li Yue!

Even an effective counterattack cannot be carried out. When biting Li Yue with his mouth, Li Yue easily escaped!

”Unfortunately, it seems that Mr. Li Yue can't rush over to help in time!”

Some people watched Li Dajue expressing dignity, but they could only secretly sigh in their hearts!


”Brother Li Yue, don't play, come and help them!”

However, as the command center fell into a very silent atmosphere, as if the needle was audible, the little girl Lin Yurou suddenly rushed out of the crowd and shouted at the microphone placed on the table in front of the screen!

No matter what other people think about the little girl's shouting, Li Yue, who heard her shouting anyway, is waving his weapon and slashing towards the monster's body but it is a meal!

Then it recovered in an instant, but instead of continuing to cut the monster's body, it cut the monster's huge head!
