v2 Chapter 360: Li Yue left (1/2)

Originally after the reunification of the New York War, Sol would return to Asgard with the Rubik's Cube and Rocky, and then use the power of the Rubik's Cube to repair the Rainbow Bridge.

After that, Sol was rehabilitating the unrest in the Nine Realms through the restored Rainbow Bridge. Then there is the story of Thor II.

However, after Li Yue participated in it, Sol did not bring the cube back to Asgard.

Fortunately, he has a king-level artifact storm axe, which can freely summon Rainbow Bridge, and he has strengthened countless times of power, which makes him a lot easier when he calms down the chaos of the Nine Realms.

So Sol calmed the chaos of the Nine Realms, and it was useless even for half a month.

However, the Rainbow Bridge that Asgard was smashed by Saul himself was still not repaired at this time.

At this time, Li Yue must naturally go to Asgard to help them repair the Rainbow Bridge. By the way, he needs a star map of the universe, and then travel in the universe.

The purpose of Li Yue’s tour of the universe is not just to visit the places in the universe that he has long wanted to visit. He also wants to find out where this matter is.

That's right, Li Yue is ready to take the lead and directly wipe out the crisis of hegemony.

Li Yue decided to do this when he heard about the future timeline of the five gems collected in the beginning of the tyranny that Dr. Kiwi had said before.

He always felt that things were not as simple as Dr. Kiwi said.

However, he could not know what exactly made him feel that things were not easy.

But he understood that as long as he took the lead and wiped out what had not happened before it happened.


”Li Yue, you want to return to Asgard with me? That's great. It happened that Father Wang had long wanted to see you, and told me to take you back to Asgard before.”

Sol automatically ignored Li Yue's desire to travel through the universe, as if he had only heard Li Yue say that he would return to Asgard with him.

However, Sol was a little bit excited. I wonder if Li Yue was going to help repair the broken Rainbow Bridge in Asgard.

”Cough, since this is the case, it's not too late. Let's go to Asgard now!”

Seeing Sol seemed very welcome to go to Asgard, Li Yue also smiled and said directly.

Anyway, he has nothing left to do on the earth now, so naturally it is better to go to the universe as soon as possible.

So he is ready to go directly to Asgard with Sol now, meet Odin as soon as possible, and then help them repair the Rainbow Bridge, and then he can embark on a wonderful journey through the universe.

”Okay, our opinion. Then let's go now!”

Saul did not object to Li Yue's proposal. He reached out his right hand and began to summon his Storm Tomahawk, preparing to use it to open the Rainbow Bridge.

”Cough, I said Li Yue, did you really decide to leave now?”

Looking at Li Yue and Saul between two words, they felt that they wanted to leave the earth directly. Tony was helpless and couldn't help but say a word.

”Relax, I shouldn't spend too much time traveling through the universe, maybe I won't be back in less than half a month, and then we will get together again for everyone.”

Li Yue looked at Tony and said with a smile.

Although the purpose of his trip to the universe this time is also the same, for example, to go to collectors, masters and other big names who have lived for some years.