5 The benevolent duo (1/2)


Destructive Smash reached level

Amature 2

Finally, after two hours of smashing around, the skill managed to level up!


Destructive Smash

Skill Level Armature (2)

Damage / Effects 55% Weapon damage

Stuns target for 1 second

Rarity Common (E)

Cost 45 stamina 10 Rage points

Cool down 55 Seconds

”Well, the only difference is the slight increase in damage and the cooldown reduction by 5 seconds. Also, stamina cost had decreased by a slight bit” said Dave to himself.

He turned back to see the instructor that has just ”conveniently” come back.

”Mr. Juda, I have leveled up the skill to level two.” Said Dave. This was the requirement for him to have the chance to go to the church so that he would start his planning class questline.

”Oh, that was rather fast! You sure are hardworking. Here you go!” said Juda as he handed Dave a sealed Letter.

Quest item

Sealed letter.

”Hand this over to the Bishop in the church. It's at the northern side of town, I marked it on your map so you don't get lost.” Said Juda and the exclamation mark on his head vanished. It seems that he no longer has anything to say to Dave so he dismissed himself.

Dave then took a look at his map and found out that the church was not that far from where he was. He then headed north of the town and managed to find a small church that had a couple of guards on its front door.

”Halt, where are you headed young man?” said one of the guards. The both of them had Green names so they were friendly but it seems to Dave that they were programmed to do their job properly as guards. Looking at Dave who didn't have the attire of a church's believer they had to ask questions.

”I need to meet with the Bishop, I have a sealed Letter from Master Juda that I need to hand it to him personally.” Said Dave calmly.

”Ah, a letter from Master Juda. So you are one of the new recruits. Alright, you may get in” said the guard and gave way for Dave.

Once inside the church, he noticed that it was similar to the orthodox churches of the Christian religion. Dave was not much of a believer but he went to church several times. Mainly to donate some of his hard earned money.

There was a man wearing red ceremonial gowns. A look of piety was showing on his face and a blue exclamation mar was on his head.

Once Dave got in range the man looked up and with a pious look he opened both his arms and spoke in a manner worthy of a saint

”Welcome young one to the church of the god of justice!” said the man.

”Thank you for receiving me your Excellency,” said Dave without wait he added ”I have been sent by Master Juda and I wish to serve the church in becoming one of its shields,” said Dave. This was the dialogue needed for him to say I initiate the quest.

”Oh, a young man like you wishes to serve the holy church, you have the heart of a good and benevolent person, but just the heat cannot defend the people you need to prove your strength first to make people follow the teachings of gods.” Said the man.

”This is a letter from master Juda, he asked me to deliver it to you as proof of my strength.” Said, Dave, as he handed the letter.

It instantly disappeared from Dave's inventory.

The old man took the letter and began to read it.

His expressions changed a bit then he smiled before saying

”Master Juda is a powerful warrior, and in this letter, he praised your hardworking ability. Indeed if this is true then you are worthy of joining the church's ranks. But before that, you will need to prove your worth. This is your first task. Deep within the wilderness that is positioned at the southern part of town, you will find an ancient tomb. It is filled with powerful creatures of the dead. Some of them are strong enough that they could topple kingdoms, but they are sealed within the perimeters of an ancient tomb. Your task is to reduce the numbers of the less powerful creatures so that when the army of God is established they could take on the dangers within the desolate tomb!”

Class quest!

Defeat 25 skeleton soldiers.

Quest difficulty A

Dave was surprised to discover that the difficulty of his first class quest is so high. Why would this be the case?

”Looking at your current level, this place is a bit too powerful for you. You should probably gain more strength and level up before you could start this task.” Said the Bishop confirming Dave's worries.

What dave didn't account for was that his position as close to the southern kingdom, this kingdom had barred many of the powerful guilds from ever breaking. And it was to be understood. This place is mainly a high-level area. While Dave is only Level 1.