272 Mr.Skeletals endavor (1/2)

Dave slew enemy soldiers left and right. His black sword was coated in red blood. His mare was a warhorse, unfaltering while facing a sword or the noise of battle. It kicked and bit at any escaping soldiers while Dave finished off the stragglers.

The enemy commander ordered a fresh line of soldiers to go and assist the retreating ones. When Dave noticed that his troops were far away from the protective fire of the archers on the city walls, he ordered his troops to cease pursuit and fold back.

The enemy gathered together helping their wounded soldiers then blew a horn sounding a full retreat.

Dave's soldiers shouted in victory. They had defeated the invader once again.

Dave clenched his fist, brimming with excitement, Dave shouted, ”For Arotsa!”

”For Arotsa! For the King!” the units around Dave all shouted in sync. Glorifying their country and their king.

Retreating back inside the city, Dave gave the command to burn the bodies of their dead and strip the enemy of their armor and weapons.

”Give me a headcount of the dead. Repair the spike walls outside and add some more.”

Dave removed his armor, it felt heavy after today's fight. Relaxing in his ornate royal clothes, Dave sat on the throne waiting for the battle report.

Dementi, Dagla and Samael soon came to his presence.

Samael spoke first, ”Your majesty, we lost 413 soldiers today. Fifty of them heavy cavalry, the rest were infantry units. The enemy dead count reached 8,000. Another victory your majesty.”

Dave made quick math, the enemy had lost more than 16,000 of their army. Almost a third of the original 50,000.

”All the prisoners showed signs of the plague and other contagious diseases, your majesty. Should I release them?” Dagla asked.

”Yes, let them go when they come with to invoke the Law of War,” Dave said.

Dagla and Samael dismissed themselves. Leaving Dave with Dementi alone in the throne room.

”What is it Dementi?”

”I believe that the Vinlandians will try to secure water from another water source and food from somewhere else. In two days, the advantage we had will be gone.”

”I know that Dementi. I will order a few of our units to infiltrate the enemy ranks and spy for us. We can know by then the supply routs the Vinalndias will take and we can raid them then.”

”Yes, your majesty.”

”That's all?” Dave asked.

”Yes, your majesty. All the archers were safe in the last fight, other than that, I have nothing else to report.”

”Very good, you are dismissed,” Dave said and waved for Dementi to go.

He was once again alone in the throne room. Not long after, a knight in plate armor entered the hall.

”Your majesty, we did as we were told. The contaminated prisoners were escorted back to the enemy base.”

”Good job. Keep me updated with the status of the knights who were charged with keeping an eye on these prisoners. Put them in a quarenteened area and see if they show any signes of fever or vomiting.”

”It shall be done, your majesty.” The knight dismissed himself.

Dave stood up from his throne and walked to the palace porch. His soldiers were working hard. They took the corpses of their comrades from the field outside the city and took them to an area where they did a mass cremation.

Dave checked the timer in-game. He was logged in for 48 hours In-Game. He opened the game menu and pressed the log-out button.


Your current progress in your legacy quest will be saved. You can continue your quest after your log back in starting from this point in time.


Dave disappeared from the throne room and woke up in his hotel room.

He picked up his phone and called Ralph.

”S'upp bro.”

”Oh, You're still alive.”

”Not cool bro,” Ralph groaned.

”C'mon, you know I'm just messing with you. So how did it go?”

”Nothing much, man. Just a regular talk over dinner, you know.”

”Yeah, I've been there,” Dave said. He had a similar dinner with the Silvanas. Those old guys sure had fun on his expense with all that teasing.

”This guy is really interested in you, you know,” Ralph said.

”Sorry, not into old dudes, or dudes in any case.”

”Ah, you broke my heart man. You got no love for old Ralph,” Ralph said in an exaggerated sad voice.

”Nah, you know I love you, bro.” Dave chuckled.

”Ha! Nah, Tivo was talking about the game. Said he wanted you to work for him now you got your skellies back.”

”Yeah, I kinda figured that out. But no, the boyz aren't some mafia goons. They are mine and I'll never use them to benefit someone else's interests.”

”Loyal to your boyz I see. What you up to right now Dave?”

”Doing a legacy quest. Have to fight an army man.”

”Damn, can I join? Would love to get some EXP before the eastern region raid starts, which is in two days.”

”Sorry bro. Would have invited you if it weren't a solo quest.”

”Bummer. Wish you luck with that shite. Gotta go, Caitlin is waiting.”

”You're still with her?”

”Yeah, taking her out again. You should call Zoe and we can make it a double date.”

”Date? Weren't you a 'free agent' a few hours ago?”

”Tivo can be pretty convincing…”

Dave frowned, ”Did they make you do something against your will?”

”No man, it's not like that. You see, this guy might be from the Mobs, but he doesn't act like them. He has principles, well that's what he called them. He told me that he liked how I treated Caitlin. And liked it more because me and you are friends. Said something about men with character hang out with each other.”

”Don't know all about that man. Those guys are dangerous.”

”Well, no harm done yet.”

”Just be careful man.”

”Thanks bro, don't worry about it.” Ralph hung up.

Dave went to his phone to order dinner but thought for a second and picked up his phone dialing Zoe's number.

After a few rings, she picked up.

”Yeah Davey, What's up?”