Chapter 488 (1/2)

All the windows here are locked. She has seen them all before and after. Except for the sewer, it can be said that a mosquito can't fly out here.

She can't climb down the drain.

She leaned there and looked at the food on the table. Rather than die here, she had better live and have a good look at what the man wanted to do.

A small red dot is facing her position, and her every move falls into the eye.

At night.

The door opened.

The maid came in, but this time there were more people behind her.

”Miss Xia, our master has come here and wants to see you.”

Xia Xiyan actually had no strength in her legs. She looked at the people who came in and stood up reluctantly from the ground and followed the maid out.

Until the moment I saw that person, Xia Xiyan's pupils dilated.

It's him.

Three years ago, on the way back from the bar with Xiaowan, she met a man.

It's a killer.

At the beginning, I wanted Xiaowan's life

”It looks like you recognize me, so I don't have to introduce myself.”

Lu Zhaonan looked at the woman. After many years, he still recognized her green face.

”You... Don't think I'll tell you where Xiaowan is! I won't say --! ”

When Lu Zhaonan heard the speech, he suddenly began to laugh.

That laughter, let Xia Xiyan feel terrible, creepy, ”what are you laughing at?”

”Do you think I didn't kill her when I couldn't find her? Or do you think you can stop me alone? ”

Three years ago, in order to protect Xiaowan, she worked with him for a long time. Finally, the man suddenly left.

The next day, when she woke up, she was lying in front of her house with all her clothes and nothing unusual. She only thought that day was a dream. Later, because of more and more things, she forgot it all at once. If she had not seen this man today, she would have regarded it as a dream.

But after she said that, she suddenly thought of the original picture. That day, she asked Xiaowan to buy a bowl of rice noodles for her, and she escaped the disaster.

And this man took her as Su Xiaowan.

In the end, he didn't know how to recognize that he wasn't.

Before he left, he knocked himself unconscious. As for how he sent himself to the door, she had no idea.

Fortunately, on that day, there was something happened in Xiaowan's school. She hadn't come to live at home for a long time.

”Is it your conscience?”

Lu Zhaonan thinks that this girl is really... Interesting, just as interesting as her. Unfortunately, he has confirmed that she is not.

”At the beginning, the buyer paid 10 million yuan to buy her life. Do you think I would have a problem with money?”

Xia Xiyan is standing there, watching the man in front of him warily. Seeing what he looks like now, there are maids waiting on him. Presumably, it's not bad for money.

How can... Be a killer?

What's more, I don't know what he's going to do. He catches himself in this place and offers good food, but he doesn't let himself go out?

Just as she was daydreaming, suddenly a white shadow came running and hugged her leg.

”Mommy, it's really Mommy!”


Looking down, it was a small steamed bun, a boy with a small face carved with jade. It looked very lovely.