Chapter 158 - Lu Fa State (1/2)

Ye Wei remained in the City Lord’s mansion for few more days, until the other participants were sent back to their schools and academies Chen Yuan called the South Star students for a farewellat last

“I will send my men to escort you home, and don’t worry, I will keep it on the do Please be careful when you are back in Green Moon City! Stay safe!” The City Lord sincerely reminded Ye Wei the threats from demons were still unresolved

“Thank you, My Lord, for everything you’ve done for me, for your concerns” Ye Wei was thankful for the treatment and care he received It warmed his heart to know that someone as influential as Chen Yuan was not only very powerful, but also had a gentle and caring temperament

The vice-principal, Xu He and the rest of the South Star tournament team bade farewell to Chen Yuan The whole team then quietly left the city under the personal supervision of the City Lord and the commander

Jian Chen, fro cultivators from Galaxy Academy were all approached by co process

As for Xue Yao, she didn’t have any more opportunities to see Ye Wei since the day when her brother was fighting in the tournaet in touch with hi sent back and so she headed to the capital to spectate the next stage of the tourna to meet him there As for the other school teah celebrated their success while the young cultivators that didn’t do ent into a bit of a depressive state

But with the results aside, everyone were still glad to have attended the tournament Where there was death, there was also hope They kept talking about the fight between Ye Wei and Tu Fusheng, the fight that beca the spectators will be telling their children and grandchildren about

How Ye Wei was able to becoest God’s Seven, that his final opponent turned about to be a de people still couldn’t completely wrap their minds around Everyone was fascinated by his level of cultivation at such young age, and thought that he had a proht future ahead of hi a Rune the participants and spectators, that only contributed to the local’s admiration to a fanatical level

After the tourna the thirty-six outskirt cities region The younger kids from the schools that participated wished to be like him one day, the older ones secretly envied and ad to learn from his success Because nobody had seen Ye Wei after the tourna about his disappearance The most popular believe was that he was sent to the Green Ar ca state’s capital by Commander shi+

They were hoping that perhaps one day they will hear about Ye Wei again and et to see him in person, and that, when that day came, he will be someone even more powerful

Two figures, with prodigious presence, were standing silently on the wall of the Ning City, looking at the vehicles slowly disappearing on the road that led into the mountains

“Argh!” Grunted Commander shi+, “I am still disappointed that I wasn’t able to convince hireat addition!”

The other figure, Chen Yuan, laughed with slight regret, patting his dear friend on the shoulder: “Still having probleo, Commander? He will serve well in Runemaster Union He is now bound to them and hopefully ill hear about his accouide hiood side…”

Coretful but his ht future for Ye Wei

The vehicle, slowly drifting away, finally disappeared over the horizon

Green Moon City

Ye Wei and the rest were finally back to fae, secure runicle loaned to them by Chen Yuan

The gates of the city were heavily protected by ht, reflecting the afternoon’s sun No one was allowed to enter before being inspected thoroughly by the guards at the checkpoints set up by Green Moon City’s City Lord, as a precaution, security check to prevent demon infiltration

Next to the guards stood two uard officer The unifor

Both , in their twenties, dressed in lavish wear, both wearing thin silver crowns on their heads, standing pridefully next to the co through

Xu He furrowed his brows, disliking the two strange faces he was seeing, and thought that so was definitely not in order

The runicle slowly stopped in front of the tightly shut gates Xu He walked out frouards

“Hey, Vice-Principle is that you? You are back frouard inised Xu He, huure

“Officer Lei, all of h? They could really use soate, thinking that it had been a while since the city was this alert

“Yes, of course, sir!” Shouted Officer Lei, ordering to the guards to clear the pass and open the gate “Quickly, let the Vice Principal through!”

Several guards iate to lift the barricades to let the runicle in

The two young men in white decided to approach the runicle, strode slohile staring at Xu He

“People are only allowed into the city once they have been inspected and have their belonging examined! I don’t see why there should be any exception made for you or your students! As far as we know the deuised as a student! Now, search them!” One of them stepped forward, his cold tone carried over his pride

Xu He’s face went pale with anger South Star Academy was one of the three most powerful establishment in Green Moon City, even the City Lord would not dare to close the doors in normal circumstances “This is our home! We just put Green Moon City on the sters’ efforts! How dare you disrespect us!?”

“Lu Ruoshan, Lu Chang, this is actually the vice-principal of South Star Acadeave Officer Lei a headache, ‘Am I supposed to choose a side here?’