Chapter 83 (1/2)

Chapter 83 - Is This Really Happening Again? (7)

The members of the hero's party stood side by side as they looked down at the underwater stone graveIt had been a complete collapse, and the corpse of the defeated Ancient Kraken reraveYes, it was deep within

Maetel opened her ”

”What are you doing with your hand?Recently, you always see of you”

”No wayI would never do that”

Maetel retracted the hand she had been sneakily extending towards himShe asked him a question

”The Kraken is buried deep within the ocean, so hoe take it out and loot it?”

”I'ain·····are you disappointed?”

”PiiiI hate you, Artpe”

It was a grave mistake to think that Artpe would always be slow to come up with an answerAsto come after Artpe in a direct and open round to Maetel!

'Now that I think about it she is 14 years oldIs it her puberty?In the past, I could just grab her hand, and she would sradually wanted more and more from himIt seemed she was spooked when she saomen like Mycenae and Etna loiter around Artpe's vicinityShe beca to seal the dealArtpe didn't want to coressed well like this…

'······I guess that won't be too bad Huht!?'

In a flash, the ht made him want to bash his own head in with a hammerHe quickly turned aroundHe could confiric spell

However, before he could do that…

[I want you guys to head back first]

[We'll wait until ether]

[When the buried Ancient Kraken is brought out, its Deene will overtake all of youIf you want to see the merfolk suffer the same pain as you, do you as you please······]

[If I'in]

Sherryl replied with a strong voiceHe hadn't noticed it before, but after the light surrounding her disappeared, a sht had appeared on her foreheadIt created an additional aura of mystery around her

[I knoas done before rong, but I'yIf y with y, and I can lead ht pathMaster instructed e to ht was being eem when Sherryl proclaimed her unequivocal co displayed in Artpe's eyes

[Sherryl Anaid]

[Genesis Mermaid]

[Mermaid Queen]

[Level : 139]

[Innate Ability : Race Command]


He never expected to see a day when a mermaid would awaken to an Innate AbilityHe didn't reincarnate for nothingArtpe burst out in laughter when he saw so he never expected to see

One couldn't develop Innate Ability just because one was strongIt didn't matter if one iseItalso wasn't an ability one could gain, because one was born froood bloodlineTalent, experience, luck and Recordan Innate Ability

Moreover, her Innate Ability was called Race Co abilityIf a human with this ability had shown up,he would probably be able to nerite history by creating a unified eain had a hunch that he had caused this troubleThis situationenormousIt couldn't be compared to the time when he had saved Sienna

'If she is able to advance the other nore the'

Yes,it was true that a variable had shown up on the De's sideThere would be no downside if one or two variables appeared on his sideHe put on a fairly confident expression, and he willingly accepted the request htI want you to take this as far as you canHowever, if it turns out weird like the Ancient Mermaids, I'll personally end theerIf that happens, I'll kill the]

Artpe snorted as he once again turned towards where the Kraken was buried He put away the grimoire, which had fulfilled its roleHe didn't take out the Demite's Gemstone eitherHe just raised his hand, and he set a siical circle like before

When she saw this, Sienna tilted her head in confusionShe queried Artpe

”Oppa, you gathered an incredible amount of Mana before…Even if you've leveled up, are you sure you have enough?Shall I lend you my Mana?”

Despite Sienna's worry, he just pointed towards the location in front of him with a smirk on his faceIt was the location where he had activated the great ic called God Flush to end the Kraken, and the traces of the ic circle still remained thereOf course, it could only be seen by people like Artpe and Sienna, who possessed supree in using ic circleThis is especially true when the Mana is undisturbedWhen one uses the same spell in the same location, the Mana consumption drops below half compared to before”

”I see…Then we should be careful in locations where our eneic circle?”

”No, you can use your unique Mana to disrupt the Mana flowYou can erase the ic circleI'll explain in more detail later”


Inthe past, Maetel had shown an instinctive ability to do this very thingShe had taken control of the surrounding ic could be activated near herHowever, he didn't expect Sienna to possess such genius talentThe fact that there were already two heroes was already causing him a headache

”So······ The mystery that fell froiving the short ic spellIt was the exact saainst the Kraken!Matel belatedly tried to stop him

”Wait a momentIf you create another whirlpool, wouldn't it bury the corpse further?Wouldn't it be harder for us to take it out!?”

”NoThis ic spell has two patterns for activation”

The first was a doard flushWhat was the second pattern?

Maetel easily figured out the answer to his question

”It surges upwards······?”

”That's it!Flow backward, God Flush!+”

In a flash, the htIn the next moment, a silence that had been observed once before descended on the partyHowever, Artpe's party had experienced this ic once beforeThey kneas the silence before the stor to him

Then the spell arrived


”It's gushi+ng!The rocks are soaring upwards!”

Water sprang up fro water crushed the pile of stones into dust, and the dust covered the entire region

Of course, Artpe had already expected this to happen, so he protected his party with a barrier he prepared beforehandThis God Flush was being used to bring out the corpse of the KrakenHe didn't need to invest too much Mana into this spellThis hy he had plenty of Mana left to create a barrier

[Iit is coe]

[How dreadfulIs that really its corpse?Is it really dead?]

Soon, the Kraken's corpse appeared alongside the surging water and rocksSince it had been infused with Dehly beaten with holy powerIt was also swept up in the surge water after being flushed down beforeIts corpse was in tattersIt was in worse condition than the Kraken that had been beaten to death by the hellfire Sentinel

”Is it because it was sealed away for a long time?WowIts body was co to do with it, Artpe?”