Chapter 820 (1/2)

After waking up, foreign guests and foreign media from all over the world, including single women, rose from their respective positions and went outside.

They are excited to stay behind the wake-up Xi, want to be the lucky girl who grabs flowers in her hand.

In the center of the pistil, the North Palace Chen pushes aside two steps with a smile and eagerly looks at his wife.

However, seeing her face carrying the most happy smile, her hands firmly grasped the bouquet and yelled, ”throw it

Without even counting down, she arched and threw her arms back.

At the same time, the beautiful flowers in the air raised a beautiful arc.

Girls compete for it!

With tears in her eyes, Beigong Chen suddenly couldn't help but embrace her waist, bow down and kiss her affectionately.

There was a lot of applause.

And it was a foreign celebrity who finally got the bouquet.

She returned to her place, waving her bouquet excitedly.

But the kiss on the stage is not over.

Wake up Xi's heart some thump, think this man is too warm.

He lifted his hand and patted him. He soon let go of her, but he said in an emotional voice: ”I finally married you, my princess!”

Wake Xi moved to embrace him, the same dumb response: ”I love you!”

No matter which you are, is the noisy elder brother's you, or the North Palace Chen's you, or is that can't let her run to the university to her when the teacher you.

She loves, she loves from beginning to end, is him!

The guests stood up one after another, and the joyful folk music of Yaxi began to ring.

All the guests and newlyweds moved to the banquet hall on the second floor to attend the wedding reception of the couple.

Qin Jiujiu said with a smile: ”I said, how can we get married without delicious food, so it's upstairs?”

Jin Rong turned her face in tears and smiles and glared at her: ”this is similar to the European style. The ceremony is in the church, and the wedding banquet is in the hotel.

But Yashi has its own national characteristics, so their ceremony is in the auditorium, and the wedding banquet is next to the auditorium. ”

During the dance, the North Palace Chen and his wife dance.

All the lights in the meeting hall were disillusioned, and only a lavender beam with beautiful brilliance fell on them.

Affectionate waltz, the venue scattered a myriad of artificial snowflakes, this piece of heaven and earth set off like a dream.

In the arms of the man she loves deeply, her eyes and the smile of her mouth confirm the appearance of marriage love.

Although the two are in a difficult situation, like walking on thin ice, no matter how cruel the future will be, as long as she can marry him, she will have no regrets.

And the North Palace Chen also leads own beloved small princess.

The little princess who guarded her from childhood and did not dare to show her what she had done, eventually became his princess.

He did not dare to profane her, to have her completely, never dare to let her pregnant, and then did not recognize that she was sad and chose to let it be.

Along the way, if you want to ask him what is love?

He will tell you: when you meet the right person, you will have no bottom line, compromise again and again for this, and change your consistent way of doing things.

She was his accident.

The snowflakes in the air are finally gone.

The two stepped on the last note and fixed in the center of the conference. The gorgeous red rose petals fell from the sky, replacing the smart and light snow before, bringing a fresh and warm atmosphere to the wedding dance.

He pulled her to her feet, surrounded by a blessing of applause.

The North Palace Chen smiles: ”everybody, help yourself, enjoy.”

Holding his lover, he gracefully exits the dance floor.

Then, the couple of beigongjue and Luo jiebu also took Ni Xiyue, one by one, and walked into the dance floor one by one, enjoying the joy of this moment and the romance of flower petal rain.

Luo jiebu found Ni Xiyue's eyes twinkled with tears.

”What's the matter?” he asked softly