Chapter 1143: dual core! (1/2)

The sweat of the spring breeze gathered under his feet into two large water pools, and the whole figure seemed to lose several catties in an instant. He quickly tapped on the portable crystal brain, and a dozen light curtains popped up: ”Little brother, look, ”Expedition Proposal” ”After being suspended in an emergency, Speaker Jiang immediately issued a ”Commander Order” in the name of the ”Supreme Commander of the Federal Army”, ordering all troops stationed in the Great Wilderness to withdraw from the'Highest Readiness' and return to the station to stand by! The troops on the front line are being recalled! The troops participating in the exercise from the northern part of the Great Wilderness to the dark and extremis will also end the exercise as soon as possible and return to the war base.”

Li Yao said: ”How do you confirm that the military will definitely implement the command in command?”

Guo Chunfeng said: ”The command of the commander was sent directly to Tieshuai Zhou Hengdao and the first-level commander of the battle group. Tieshuai expressed his shock. He has already removed the'son of the nether' in the army and the commander of the Longxiang battle group Duan Muming. Controlled! The commanders of the major regiments also stated that they would obey orders and would never use swordsmen without authorization.”

”No matter how strong the Patriot organization is, no matter how high the prestige of Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao is, it is impossible for dozens of commanders to defy the'commander order' together!”

Li Yao thought about it, and continued to ask: ”How is the connection between the Inland and the Great Wilderness now? I remember that the Lingnet on the Great Wilderness has not been very stable? Since the EFF implemented the Scorched Earth Strategy, there have been almost no towns on the Great Wilderness. , There are only military camps left, how to ensure the connection of Lingwang?”

The communication between the Inland and the Great Wilderness has always been the biggest headache for the Federation.

Lingwang relies on the special magic weapon ”Spirit Gathering Tower” to continuously release psychic energy fluctuations and condense each other.

The Great Wilderness is called the Great Wilderness because it is both ”big” and ”wild”, which seems to be nonsense, but in such a vast wasteland, it is necessary to build a tower of spirit gathering that can form a network and maintain its daily operation and consumption. The resources are astronomical.

Not to mention, there are various natural disasters all over the Great Wilderness, hurricanes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, animal tides...any natural disaster may cause serious damage to the Spirit Gathering Pagoda.

Therefore, the Lingwang on the Great Wilderness has always been intermittent and unstable.

However, after the Federal Army implemented the ”scorched earth policy” and traded space for time, the Federation almost gave up the great wilderness and allowed the Allied Forces to drive straight in.

The first thing destroyed by the Allied Demon Army was naturally these most important communication nodes, the ”Spirit Gathering Tower”.

Now, although the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance has shrunk back to the Blood Demon Realm, the hundreds of thousands of Spirit Gathering Pagodas scattered on the Great Wilderness have been destroyed and it is not so easy to recover.

To the north of the Great Wilderness, the conflicting point of the two worlds, the psychic and magnetic fields are extremely chaotic, and the situation is even more serious.

The Spirit Gathering Tower emits a large amount of psychic energy fluctuations, just like a natural lightning rod, it is the easiest to attract all kinds of violent psychic energy to gather, and there are very few Spirit Gathering Towers that can survive a month in the gloomy extremity.

Therefore, the farther to the north of the Great Wilderness, the more difficult the communication becomes. When it comes to the dark and extinct domain, the network will be disconnected almost all year round.

Li Yao was once trapped in the Leiyin Mountains in the dark and extremis. It was only after cutting off the Internet from the outside world that he wandered alone for ten days and ten nights, and escaped the Silver-Blood Demon Race team's chase after a dangerous and dangerous situation.

Guo Chunfeng said: ”In order to allow this joint military exercise to further penetrate into the blood demon world in the future, the Federal Army has independently developed a number of extremely powerful super-large spiritual gathering towers, which are distributed in the dark extremity and the northern line of the Great Wilderness. Communication base stations', there are now a total of 16 communication base stations in operation, responsible for the exchange of messages.”

Li Yaodao: ”In other words, controlling these sixteen communication base stations is equivalent to controlling the'information throat' between the capital and the forefront. The person who controls the communication base stations can block the transmissions in a short period of time. All the information of the exercise unit, and at the same time, can it also forge the responses of all the commanders of the exercise unit?”

Guo Chunfeng groaned: ”It is difficult in theory, because the commanders of the large regiments participating in the exercise have their own unique identification secret patterns, except for them, there is only—”

”Only Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao knows, doesn't it?”

Li Yao's voice was cold.

After the spring breeze was silent for a long time, he slowly shook his head and said, ”I don't believe that Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao will be a conspirator. This has nothing to do with character, but his character.”

”Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao, in the Federal Army has always been known for his bravery and hard work, he has never had such a scheming plan to set up such a complicated conspiracy!”

”Don't say that in order to realize his ambitions, he disguised his'a tendon' for hundreds of years. You must know that a year ago, he could not have guessed that the emergence of a real human empire would lead to human races and demons. What is the need for him to conceal his true character for more than a hundred years in the peace talks of the clan?”

”Tie Shuai doesn't need to be a conspirator.”

Li Yao tapped the corner of the cell with his chin, ”Because there is already a super-class conspirator in the'Patriot Organization'!”

”Lu Zui was in charge of planning, Tie Shuai was in charge of implementation, and when the conspiracy was exposed, the dog jumped the wall and made a desperate move!”

”The two of them, one can think and the other can fight, each has its shortcomings, but each has its own strengths. Together, they form the dual core of the'Patriot Organization'. The two swords are combined, and they are the real behind-the-scenes!”

The face of the spring breeze was even more ugly: ”An hour ago, almost when you woke up, Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao had just sent back from the edge of the gloomy extremity a divine thought, saying that the exercise troops had encountered a rare superpower. During the thunderstorm, three communication base stations were destroyed, and most of the Lingwave transmissions were disturbed. Maybe there will be a long time to be unable to contact the inland. Let us rest assured, he will repair it as soon as possible, and will continue to send communication soldiers to contact us. rear……”

Speaking of this, the past spring breeze couldn't go on, and looked at each other with Li Yao, and saw the horror in each other's eyes.