Chapter 116 (1/2)

Li Hong chose to build a city at the foot of Mount Taiyi precisely because he knew better than anyone how important the vast and boundless resources of Mount Taiyi were.

Taiyi mountain of the last generation is still mined again because it is one of the largest gold mines in China. There are also other metal and non-metallic minerals, building materials and stone materials, which are the most precious wealth of Mount Taiyi.

With his experience of nine to ten generations, if he didn't build the city at the foot of Taiyi mountain, he would have been kicked by a donkey.

A group of more than a dozen people walked slowly on the mountain road, but for some reason, Li Hong was more and more frightened. A dangerous breath made him feel very uncomfortable.

She took Wu Mei's hand in silence and looked around warily. In a low voice, she said to the Maiden: ”Xiaohan, Bailu, protect the empress mother. Even iron, let your people be vigilant, always feel something is wrong

The sun was directly shining on the mountain road. The birds' calls in the woods on both sides did not know when to stop. Even the insects in the grass occasionally made a sound or two.

The guard came back from the front road and said, ”the rocks in front of me are collapsing and can't pass.”

Li Hong eyebrows a tight, decisively said: ”even iron, half plum, looking for orchid to protect the mother, white dew, small cold with four people, you six with me open road.”

”Hong er...” Wu Mei also felt wrong, as if there were many eyes staring at her in the dark.

”Don't worry, mother. It's OK. Here you are. Take this. ” Li Hong took out a swallow wing crossbow, put the arrow for Wu Mei, and handed it to her.

More than a dozen people began to slowly retreat to the foot of the mountain. Wu Mei was protected in the middle, occupied by her maids Banmei and Xulan. Li Hong and Lian tie were in front of her, and six guards were on the way. Bailu, Xiaohan and four guards were at the end, protecting Wu Mei.

The whole mountain forest is quiet and quiet. The unusual weird atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. Wu Mei's eyebrows are also more and more severe. But there is no flustered expression on her face. She steadily follows Lian tie and Li Hong, and slowly walks down the mountain.

In front of him, Li Hong suddenly hesitated. Under the cover of the mountain path, Li Hong motioned to all the people to stop, looked back and forth, and said faintly, ”don't go ahead.”

”How about that? Why don't we just sit here and die? ” Wu Mei holds Li Hong's shoulder and pulls him into his arms. She says cautiously.

”The enemy didn't have crossbows, so they cut off the way up the mountain. Did you see the wide area ahead? That's where they choose to start, and I'm sure the road will be cut off if we go any further Li Hong said firmly, reaching out to pat Wu Mei's hand on his shoulder.

”What now?” Wu Mei asked softly.

”Wait. When they can't bear it, they will come out naturally. We have a geographical advantage now. It's very difficult for them to attack. Only in this way can we be invincible. ”

As Li Hong said, he motioned for everyone to step back. The place he had just passed was relatively flat, and there were big rocks on both sides of the mountain path that could be relied on for defense. It was like a small mountain gate. Only there was the safest place.

Seeing that all the people had entered the open mountain road and occupied a favorable position, Li Hong looked up at the sky, looked at the dense forests on both sides, and said, ”Bailu, send a purple signal for help.”

Red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, Li Hong raised the danger level to the highest level, which is enough to show that Li Hong attached great importance to the danger. Besides, he had already felt that the strong murderous spirit was gradually spreading in the woods on both sides of the mountain road.

Almost at the same time, when Bailu's sentinel arrow with purple fireworks burst into the sky, the figures began to appear in the dense forests on both sides, and the weapons occasionally reflected the cold light in the sunlight dialysis into the forest.

Wu Mei coldly looks at the masked man in black. At the moment, she is not in the mood to guess who is going to see her assassinated. What she is only concerned about is how many people are there and whether they can cope with them.

There was no sound of two weapons hitting each other.

Li Hong did not shoot the two swallowtail crossbows in his hand, so he would not launch them indiscriminately until he did not know the number of enemies.

Li Hong only felt that there was a flower in front of him. Lian tie beside him left only a shadow in his sight, and the whole person had rushed to the edge of the mountain road.

There is no weapon in hand, but that hand is more lethal than any weapon!

The two arms, like poisonous snakes, twist and turn unconventionally. Before the enemy reacts, one hand has already pinched the enemy's neck.