Chapter 1030 (1/2)

After having dinner in the Li family, Mr. Wang left in a hurry.

However, after learning that Huo Yao would come to see Li Fang soon, he asked Fang Chen for a contact information before leaving.

After waiting for someone to leave.

Lin Wenfang did not leave.

In the car, Lin Shuwen holds the steering wheel. Although he looks calm and drives, he feels that he can't calm down when he thinks about what happened tonight.

”I didn't expect that the old leader should be friends with President Wang.”

Before, he thought it was a kind of skill to know and make friends with an intermediate pharmacist. Now Lin Shuwen was ashamed of his shortsightedness.

I'm afraid all ten Peirong can't equal one president Wang.

However, Lin Shuwen suddenly raised his head and looked at the rearview mirror. His voice was a little light: ”is this miss Huo stronger than President Wang?”

Although Wang Lao didn't say much later, it was not difficult to distinguish.

Fang Chen's eyes fell on the window of the car. After a while, he said, ”it should be.”

Lin Shuwen held the steering wheel and sighed, ”sure enough, people can't judge their appearance. Miss Huo's height after that can't be estimated.”

The ability of refining medicine, which is more powerful than President Wang, is enough to walk sideways in the circle, not to mention Min Yu behind him.

Fang Chen looked at Lin Shuwen obliquely, ”therefore, some affection does not need to rely on calculation.”

Lin Shuwen just a bitter smile, Huo family, is really he did not expect.


the clubhouse on the other side.