Chapter 671 (1/2)

Unknown corner, making a strange hoarse voice.


Suddenly, a small team member took a deep breath. The people of the Kirin team were professionally trained. They would not be frightened to cry out by the scene, but they would still give out some short drinks in extreme fear. After deep breathing and adjustment, they returned to normal.

”What's the matter?”

Huang Xuyun looked back at the little team member.

”Nothing... Nothing... Mirror...”

Following the direction of his eyes, they saw a huge bronze mirror standing upright in the pool, and the human figure became very distorted in the mirror. At the same time, it seemed that there was something else in the mirror, giving people an extremely strange feeling.

Luo Zhenzhen stood at the back and said calmly, ”don't be nervous. The mirrors and pools are just suggesting to us that we want to deepen our fear. It seems that the other party wants to play a horror game with us.”

Luo Zhenzhen's voice plays a role in stabilizing the morale of the army. The people in the dark organization have received professional training. In fact, they all know this psychological hint. However, they are afraid before fighting, and think of the horror of the whole building.

The fear in their hearts has long been amplified.

At this time, only Luo Zhenzhen still remembers the psychological hint. The other party is using a little trick to make a state of mind.

”Old-fashioned means.”

Roar, roar.

Suddenly, the roar around was getting louder and louder, and everyone was like a great enemy. The sound was like a beast, like a ghost. The most terrible thing was that it seemed to come from the ground. Several players who had a little experience immediately felt confused and panicked.

”It's the water wolf, in the water!”

As the strongest person in the team, Huang Xuyun reacted instantly. When he finished, the water began to be choppy.

Such a big wave is enough to show that water wolves can not be underestimated. They are either huge and beyond cognition, or a large number.

But before the water wolves came near, Huang Xuyun bounced up and drew a perfect arc in the air. In the blink of an eye, the wind was calm and the waves retreated.

Ouch, ouch

A few animal screams faintly.

Dozens of water wolves were easily solved, and many were beheaded before they even had time to make a sound.

”Cowhide, ha ha ha, it's worthy of being captain Kirin.”

”There is a saying, this Kung Fu is very handsome.”

”It's a good performance, but it's just the beginning.”

”Lightning is too talented. I love this game!”

In the live broadcast website, the screen of the main screen is focusing on eight people on the first floor. The real person breakthrough game has not only attracted many people in the circle, but also been brought to a normal website, attracting countless ordinary tourists.

The camera flashes.

Where Huang Xuyun, Luo Zhenzhen and others can't see clearly, there is a close-up of the beheaded water wolf.

Those water wolves are not ordinary creatures. They are huge, with a long body of two meters and a ferocious face. The lens then lengthened to get a panoramic view. There are more than a dozen water wolf bodies in the whole pool.

To give a close-up, it highlights Huang Xuyun's strength.

But this is not a good thing for the dark organization. I think the inner dark organization walks in the dark and dark. Huang Xuyun's appearance has never appeared in any media.

At this time, the camera returned to him and everyone saw him clearly.

Huang Xuyun can feel the camera hovering in front of him.

He was a little agitated and threw out a coin with a bang.

The automatic camera on the roof exploded.