Chapter 352 (1/2)

”No, I have something to do later. You can go.” Jiang mianmianmian quickly shook his hand.

Lin Hao also refused: ”sorry, I have to go back to class.”

”Wuwu, how can you two do this to me? Xiao Hao, you're going back to school. Is it fun? Can you take me with you Liang Tian looks at Lin Hao curiously.

Jiang mianmianmian took a sympathetic look at Lin Hao and waved to them.

”I'll go first. Goodbye.”

Words fall, quickly toward the studio outside, for fear of walking slowly will be entangled with Liang Tian.

When he got out of the studio, Jiang mianmianmian took out his mobile phone and took a look at the time. He found that it was only more than 3 p.m.

She thought for a moment and made a call with her mobile phone.

When the phone rang twice, it was picked up and a voice came from the other end.

”Hello, Mianmian, you finally remember to call me.”

The voice of the little white rabbit on the other end of the phone was very cheerful, and Jiang mianmianmian couldn't help laughing.

”Jingyi, are you free today? Let's go shopping together?” Jiang mianmianmian asked.

The other end of the phone was quiet, followed by a happy cheering.

”My God, my God, Mianmian invited me to go shopping. Today is a holiday. Mianmian, you said the time and place. I'll go to see you now.” Little white rabbit said quickly.

”It's in the mall not far from your home. I'll send you the location later.” Jiang mianmianmian said.

Listen there is a burst of excited cheers, and then the little white rabbit nodded happily: ”well, no problem.”

”I'll see you later.” Jiang mianmianmian hung up the phone with a smile and walked towards the subway entrance.

She remembers that the shopping mall is not too far from here. It's only 20 minutes by subway.