Chapter 59 (1/2)

The Centaur commander fell under the siege of Cleon, Marcus and tiona. They witnessed Harold's death, which was as fierce as chicken blood.

Especially teona, she roared and rotated her body. Using all her strength, she waved a big sword and cut a big hole directly through the center of the Centaur's body.

The body of the Centaur commander was directly cut off by tieona, and the death method was as miserable as Harold.

The battle outside the castle is still fierce. No matter how favorable the location is, the combat effectiveness of human beings is still weaker than the Centaur. The archers on the wall have no strength to continue to pull the bow, and the Centaur is still shooting.

The strong horse body of the Centaur can carry several arrow barrels, which makes the Centaur have enough ammunition. Now most soldiers on the wall can only hold up shields and shrink their heads to defend, and cover some archers with excellent physical strength to continue shooting.

There are more and more centaurs pouring in from the three openings. Even the so-called elite troops are also ordinary humans. They have no extraordinary strength and can't compare with centaurs in individual strength. Their physical endurance is not an opponent. They start to get tired after fighting with centaurs for a long time.

The nobles and knights were quite energetic. The Centaur guard was surrounded and killed by them with crowd tactics. They didn't spend much effort and began to fight with the Centaur on the front line.

Marcus raised the head of the Centaur commander to the wall, raised his head high in both hands, and shouted with grief and anger: ”the legendary Centaur has been killed by me!”

The loud voice echoed inside and outside the castle, and the first head of the Centaur commander was huge and could be seen from a distance.

The Centaur was demoralized by this difficult castle. Now the leader is dead and has no fighting spirit to stick to it.

The Centaurs who had been shooting arrows outside the city wall began to retreat in all directions. The nobles did not continue to pursue after killing the Centaurs inside the city wall. It was getting dark and the soldiers were very tired. There was no need to pursue and kill these ordinary centaurs.

The nobles praised and respected Marcus one by one. The greatest hero of this battle victory is Marcus!

Marcus listened to the admiration and compliments of the nobles. There was no joy in his heart. He raised his head and tears swirled in his eyes. His most reliable brother was killed in this battle!

Marcus returned to the inner city and saw Harold's body and the people around him.

Fiona and bias completely occupied Harold's body, one holding her head and the other buried in her chest. Bias was weak. Harold was the object of her first love, crying and screaming.

Theona didn't cry, let alone make a sound. She just looked at Harold's face without saying a word and recalled the scenes of training, dancing and fighting together.

When bald head was in the arena, he saw the scene of the death of his good brother many times. He had the strongest bearing capacity. He pressed his grief and anger in his heart. He had already slaughtered centaurs. Now it is estimated that he will be remembered by one person.

Alan came towards Marcus and whispered, ”I heard that your human sun sacrifice can use the power of the sun to use divine magic. One of them can revive the dead, isn't it?”

Elves advocate nature. Although some magic can ”bring the dead back to life”, it is rarely used.

In their view, the death of one life represents the birth of another life. Reincarnation is a better choice, and resurrection of the dead is an offence.

However, harlott's situation is special. Although he is a mixed race of elves, his thoughts and customs are completely human and do not have to be treated according to the customs of elves.

Marcus shook his head regretfully. ”The resurrection of the dead can only be used for those whose bodies are intact and whose death time is less than one day.”

”The Sun Temple is too far from here. It will take a week to get there as soon as possible! It's too late!”

Alan replied, ”not necessarily. The reason for the limitation one day is that the strength of human soul is relatively low. It will begin to dissipate after one day, but the elves are different! Harold is a half breed of elves, and the strength of soul is twice that of normal people!”

Marcus knew this secret for the first time. It turned out that Harold was not a purebred human, but a mixed race of elves. No wonder he was so familiar with elves. You know, most nobles, including him, had a general relationship with elves.

Then Alan was closer to Marcus's ear and whispered: ”some elf scholars studied the mystery of the soul in their early years. The stronger the soul, the longer it can stay. Even after some elves die, the soul can exist alone from the body!”

Without the body, you can live alone on the soul? Although the information was shocking, Marcus didn't have time to pay attention to it. He quickly asked people to clean up Harold's body and prepare to set out for the Sun Temple.

The temple of the sun was jointly established by the three human kingdoms and is not subject to the jurisdiction of any country.

However, Marcus still has some face. He should be able to invite the sun to sacrifice at some price. Both Diona and bias insisted on starting together.