Chapter 9 A Robber Acts Like a Cop (1/2)

In Zheng Xiaoguang's eyes, there were many different kinds of annoying people in the world, such as those players who kept killing other players at PVP regions every day, those who snatched monsters from the others' hands, account stealers, etc. The people she hated most were those who did a bad thing and wanted to let some others hold the bag.

Unfortunately, she met them in the game.

The Internet had been down for a whole day, and Zheng Xiaoguang did not like an Internet Cafe. Given this, she could only log into her game account at night. When she was pleasantly surprised to see that Bluegreen-Clad had gained levels for her last night and her account was level 90 now, she received a message from him.

[Private Chat] Bluegreen-Clad: Honey, withdraw from the Matchless and join the League of Strong Families.

[Private Chat] Flowing Light: Ah, why?

[Private Chat] Bluegreen-Clad: Some members of the League of Strong Families said that you deliberately pulled a Map Boss to frame them.

”Someone accused me of pulling a Map Boss to frame them? It must be Baby520 and her teammates. They're so shameless. Alright, I just need to tell everyone the truth. Do they think that I'll fear them?”

With this in mind, Zheng Xiaoguang sent her female doctor Flowing Light back to the base of the Matchless. She used her gang contribution, which she had accumulated by gaining levels during the past two days, to redeem healing and some protective gang skills. After that, she greeted Blooming Pear Tree and said that she would take a trip to the League of Strong Families and come back after a while.

Game Message: Level 100 Floating Cloud Island Disciple Bluegreen-Clad invites you to join his big family ”League of Strong Families” Please choose whether to accept his invitation: Yes/No.

Zheng Xiaoguang clicked ”Yes”.

[Gang] Flowing Light has received gang boss Bluegreen-Clad's invitation to join the gang.

Zheng Xiaoguang thought that she would be greeted with lots of criticism from members of the League of Strong Families after she joined them, but actually, she was greeted by an awkward silence. In the end, she had to greet them first embarrassedly.

[Gang] Flowing Light: Hi~everyone. I'm Flowing Light.

Some gang members greeted her cordially and said welcome to her, some started to call her gang boss's wife, and then some started to complain.

[Gang] Little Girl: Hmph, you pulled a Map Boss to frame our gang members. How dare you come here?

”Well, let me see what you're going to say,” Zheng Xiaoguang thought peacefully.

Flowing Light: Oh? I'm sorry. I don't think I know you. Did you see me pull a Map Boss to frame someone? Or, did you just hear this from someone else? [Smile]

Little Girl: I saw it! I teamed up with Venus and gained levels at a level 90 region. When everything was going smoothly for us, you pulled a Map Boss to frame our team because you hate our teammate Baby520. All of us got slain there.

Flowing Light: So did you see me pull that Map Boss all the way to your team?

Little Girl: No. But you deliberately pulled that Map Boss all the way to Baby when she was busying pulling monsters around. You kept snatching monsters from Baby's hands, and time was pressing for us. Otherwise, she would've never accidentally pulled that Map Boss. You think that your husband is our gang boss, so you can do anything you want to us. You robbed Baby of her monsters and framed us just to get back at Baby!

Flowing Light: I can't agree with you. Firstly, you never saw with your own eyes that it was me who pulled a Map Boss to frame your team. Your team was actually slain by a Map Boss pulled by Baby520. Secondly and more importantly, you said that I snatched monsters from Baby's hands and pulled a Map Boss all the way to her because I wanted to get back at her. If this was true, then it was just between Baby and me. Why did you say that I framed your team?