Chapter 119 Someone Is "Unfaithful" (1/2)

In the past, Zheng Xiaoguang had considered pregnancy the most boring thing in the game. When she was pregnant in the game, she had nothing to do except for sitting on the floor.

When she got pregnant in real life, she finally understood what a real ”tragedy” was like.

The baby's father could continue to work, work overtime and even go out to socialize freely, but she had to stay at home every day to nurture the baby!

For the health of the baby, she was required to stop playing with her cellphone and her computer. She was even not allowed to watch TV for a long time.

It was hard for a young person like her to overcome the addiction to electronics, not to mention the fact that she was addicted to online games. She had not played the games for a long time by far. Even she herself could hardly believe that.

Her mother-in-law took good care of her and came here to chat with her whenever she had time. Even if she did not have time to come here herself, she would ask auntie Zhou to bring Zheng Xiaoguang some maternity clothes, food, drinks and fairy tale books which bored her to death.

Her mother-in-law explained why she brought these books here. ”When you have time, you can read fairy tales to the baby in your belly. That's fetal education!”

”Well, a person has to accept his or her fate. Now, my top priority is to give birth to this baby. As long as it's still in my belly, I can't live the way I want~” thought Zheng Xiaoguang.

She watched birds hopping on the branches while sighing helplessly and touching her eight-month pregnant belly.

She complained inwardly, ”I shouldn't have gotten pregnant so quickly. Bluegreen-Clad should take the blame. He got me pregnant only two months after our wedding! I even didn't have enough time to enjoy my life as a new wife before becoming a mom.”

Suddenly, the phone in the living room rang. Zheng Xiaoguang slowly stood up while holding her belly and then went to answer the phone.

”Hello?” she said lazily.

It was Bluegreen-Clad. ”I can't return home at noon today, honey. You can ask auntie Zhou to prepare the lunch for you.”

”Even if you come back at noon, I dare not try your cooking.” Zheng Xiaoguang deliberately emphasized the words ”your cooking”.

Bluegreen-Clad did not understand why his wife had become so mean recently.

He chuckled and said, ”Remember to have a good lunch.”

”Uh-huh, I know. Come back early in the evening,” said Zheng Xiaoguang.

”Okay,” replied Bluegreen-Clad.

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Xiaoguang felt that she was not hungry at all. She thought, ”Oh, forget about the lunch now. I'm not hungry. I can ask auntie Zhou to come here and cook for me when I'm hungry.”

She felt bored and began reading fairy tales to her baby. She read the stories of Snow White and Cinderella and then felt somewhat sleepy. She looked down at her watch. It was only 12: 30 pm.

She wondered, ”Should I go to take a nap now?”

She threw a glance at the computer in the study and thought, ”Neither Bluegreen-Clad nor auntie Zhou is here. Isn't it the best time for me to play the game?”

She walked into the study, turned on the desktop computer on the desk, and opened Shiny Sky Online.

To avoid being caught by Bluegreen-Clad, she did not log into Flowing Light's account. Instead, she registered a new account using the name ”Shimmer”.

She had not played the game for six months. At present, the server Watery South was an old server, and new comers could get extra experience points on this server. After playing the game for only half an hour, Shimmer reached level 35.

She went to the main city of the Celestial Dynasty to check the rankings. Bluegreen-Clad still stopped some of the rankings, and his gang (under the leadership of Li Lei) still remained to be one of the three biggest gangs of Watery South. She wanted to join his gang, but found out that it only recruited level-60+ players at present.

She had no choice but to continue to gain levels.

On such an old server, no team would want a level-35 player, as this level was really too low. As such, she could only complete missions and fight monsters alone.

When she was working hard to fight against some monsters, a ”legitimate wife against mistress” drama began on the Public Chat channel.

[Public Chat] Han Meimei: Hey, Bluegreen Siren. Can you stop pestering my Li Lei?

”It's Meimei.” Zheng Xiaoguang could not help but laugh out.

[Public Chat] Bluegreen Siren: Who pestered Li Lei? Brother Li Lei just helped me completing some missions. Why do you say that?

[Public Chat] Han Meimei: What? Why do I say that? You keep sending Li Lei Private Chat messages every day. How shameless you are! Get out of the League of Strong Families!

Upon seeing that, Zheng Xiaoguang thought that Bluegreen Siren would stop talking back. She never expected that this girl would say something so shocking.

[Public Chat] Bluegreen Siren: Whew, why can't I pester Li Lei? Are you his real wife? Why do you care so much? Li Lei doesn't kick me out. Why do I have to leave the League of Strong Families?

[Public Chat] Han Meimei: I'm his real girlfriend!

[Public Chat] Bluegreen Siren: Tut-tut, you're just his girlfriend. A girlfriend is different from a wife. Maybe he'll break up with you tomorrow. Who knows?

[Public Chat] Dizzy: Just ignore that old aunt, Siren.

[Public Chat] Han Meimei: What? How dare you call me an old aunt, Dizzy?

[Public Chat] Dizzy: Compared to us who're 16, a girl over 20 years old like you is an old aunt.

Han Meimei flew into a rage and shouted at the girls, ”Dizzy, you're just like that Bluegreen Siren bitch. She tries to seduce Li Lei and you try to seduce Bluegreen-Clad. You bitches! How dare you call me an old aunt. Okay, you're 16, but that doesn't mean that you can act so shamelessly.”

”I haven't met Meimei for quite a long time. She's getting better at quarreling. Wait, what did she say? Did she say that Dizzy tried to seduce Bluegreen-Clad?” thought Zheng Xiaoguang.

The next moment, she saw a Public Chat message from Dizzy: That's none of your business. Aren't you Li Lei's girlfriend? What? Do you want to tell us that you're the god-like Bluegreen-Clad's wife now?

[Public Chat] Han Meimei: I didn't say that I'm Bluegreen-Clad's wife!