Chapter 418 - Cant Keep a Low Profile (1/2)

Chapter 418: Can’t Keep a Low Profile

Translator: Atlas StudiosEditor: Atlas Studios

The man was about 18in a crowd Of course, others noticed hiht, but because of his appearance and figure

His facial features were very exquisite Even if he disguised hiender

He had a buzz cut and looked like a tough guy He looked a little obedient, but also a little handso hormone stimulator!

When he appeared, he instantly attracted the attention of countless young socialites Those people wished they could pounce on him


When the man approached them and they looked at him closely, they would realize that he was even more handsome

“Brother” When the man smiled, two shallow dimples appeared

His voice was low, pleasant, and a little sultry

Qiao Nian couldn’t help but be attracted to him

At this

Qiao Nian’s gaze landed on the ed man’s face Thisto be her bodyguard

However, this iven to her by Gu Zhou She still extended her hand “hello, I’ll leave uard turned to the side, ignoring Qiao Nian

At this moment, the handsoentle htly taken aback

This uard?

Was Gu Zhou really serious?

Was it really okay to find a uard?

Was Gu Zhou too confident, or did he trust her too much?

The man’s skin was that of healthy wheat color Perhaps it was because he was a bodyguard, but his hands were covered in calluses

When she touched his hand, Qiao Nian felt a little aard, and an indescribable sense of security