Chapter 56 - Took Back the Shares (1/2)

Chapter 56: Took Back the Shares

Mu Chen knew that the things that Fang Mo’er had obtained could send hiht to prison, so he was very afraid

However, on second thought, since she loved hi to do anything to hurt hiuess was immediately confirmed

“It’s won’t be impossible for me to pretend that this inforh of relief in his heart However, in the next second, his breathing beca Mo’er’s i Mo’er had propped her hands on the desk, her eyes sparkling as she considered Mu Chen’s position “As long as you give me 24 of the company’s shares, I won’t pursue the ed to o, Mu Chen had swindled her of all theMo’er’s ive Fang Mo’er the 50 of the shares that they had agreed on

Three years had already passed, and Mu Chen would not be able to give out 50 of the shares now even if he wanted to This was because ever since the coone public, many of the shares had already been put on the market Mu Chen only had 47 of the shares left, but he was still the largest shareholder

Fang Mo’er only wanted 24 of the shares, but it was 1 higher than Mu Chen’s, whichMo’er had finished speaking, she quietly observed Mu Chen’s face, which was turning darker and darker till it was like the bottoue in her ry, you will just keep on struggling Do you want to go to jail or spit out what you’ve eaten? Both sides would just be hurting each other”

However, since he had intended to sue her in the first place, he was not worthy of any syhtly as he stared at Fang Mo’er He finally realized that she was serious about taking revenge on hi

The moment he refused, she would send this information to the police station

By then, the news that the President of Creative Entertainirlfriend would spread like wildfire and the coreatly reduced

However, even this was not thewas that once he had too e hiitimate child

This was absolutely unacceptable!

“Fang Mo’er, 24 of the shares is too ive you 20Can we end this e allowed Mu Chen to re 27 of the shares, which was one point higher than the 26 of the second largest shareholder

Fang Mo’er thought about it and said, “Deal!”

To be able to receive 20 fro Mo’er’s heart was filled with joy

She had finally gotten back her original character’s shares Although it was a little less than what her original character had invested in the past, it could still be considered as an act of se on Mu Chen

As for the rest, she would slowly get them back in the future

Very quickly, the two of thened the share transfer contract

Fro Mo’er would be a true shareholder of the company, not the empty position that had always been the butt of jokes