Chapter 126 (1/2)

She hung up and she was lying in bed with her hands behind her head.

The curtains were drawn and the light in the room was dim.

Her eyes fixed on the mobile phone, empty heart, as if looking forward to something, but immediately and ridicule a smile, she really think more.

How could the woman who gave birth to her notice such a trifle?

Buried his head in the quilt, Anmu fell asleep.

Anmu was awakened by hunger.

The light outside the window was dim. She opened the door and went down. The four members of the family were eating in the dining room. When she went downstairs, the group took it as if she didn't exist. No one looked at her.

Anmu slowly walked into the kitchen and filled herself with a bowl of rice. Then she stood in the kitchen and planned to make do with something to eat, but only took two mouthfuls. Feng Siyue rushed in at the door and knocked over her rice bowl! We don't feed the white eyed wolf! ”

Rice fell on the ground, Anmu squinted, and then nodded, ”I'll go out to eat.”

”Don't go out! Now there are reporters outside. What are you going out to do? ” Feng Siyue sneered, ”are you going to tell them how we abuse you?”

Don't let her eat, don't let her go out to eat?

Is this to starve her to death?

Anmu sneer, she listen to her have ghost!

But just out of the kitchen, behind the wind came, Anmu side of the head, a bowl from the side of her cheek across, a slap fell to the ground, smashed.

Feng Siyue was furious, ”bitch, didn't you hear me?”

She rushed up and raised her hand to give Anmu a slap!

Anmu took her wrist and said, ”Feng Si Yue, you are enough!”