Chapter 658 (1/2)

Finally, there were opposition voices on the Internet. After seeing the post, they said that the goddess liked to slap people when she was young.

Now being slapped is not a cause and effect cycle?

Xia xinbing saw this post, is simply angry!

When she was young, she was young and full of vigor. Of course, she couldn't see past some people who provoked her, but those people took the lead in challenging her!

So, in the middle of the night, Xia xinbing doesn't sleep, looking for someone to check who sent this post!

Soon found out, ”it's not fixed IP, it's public IP, you can't find out who it is.”

Xia xinbing took a deep breath and became angry, ”then explain those things clearly!”

Find information to explain that Xia xinbing once slapped others is not bullying new people, until three or four o'clock, finally sent out the water army, brush the post to the top of the hot search list.

So the truth post, first.

Slap others paste, second.

Xia xinbing was slapped, third.

For a time on the Internet, the discussion about Xia xinbing when he was young was a mess.

However, Tang Xia slapping incident heat does not decrease, after all, this is the most explosive hot news this year!

After the black Xia xinbing, then, another post was sent out.

[count the stars of Huayi entertainment in recent years]

it is pointed out in the post that the stars of Huayi entertainment are all because they have offended big people. No matter who is right or wrong, they will be snowed and ridiculed. This is Huayi's attitude towards artists.

The post was once again swept to the hot search list by the Navy.

For a while, Huayi was honored as the best company to protect itself in history.

If you have any mistakes, you should find the artists to carry the blame. Huayi senior management really has a responsibility!

So everyone together with the brain, is this time Tang Xia was snow, also because of offending Xia xinbing?