Chapter 1006 (1/2)

It's only six o'clock in the afternoon, but as soon as Anmu comes in, she looks at Fei Tingyin's favorite place, but she doesn't see her small figure.

Anmu put down his coat and went inside. He saw the nanny come out in a panic, ”miss an, are you back?”

Anmu nodded to the nanny, frowned and asked, ”how's listening?”

The nanny lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Anmu's eyes. ”Miss an is not here today. She is noisy and refuses to go to bed. She has just gone to bed now. I guess she will sleep till tomorrow.”

Anmu picked her eyebrows and went upstairs uneasily. Seeing that Fei Tingyin was sleeping, she felt relieved. She went into her bedroom, took a bath, changed her clothes, and called Feng Xiao, ”how's the matter?”

Feng Xiao said, ”that chandelier is really man-made, not an accident.”

Anmu exhaled a breath, ”I said, I don't so ten thousand people dislike it, even the God can't see past, want to accept me?”

”No nonsense.” ”My men are still investigating what's going on. It's going to take some time, but there's something I think I should tell you. ”

An Mu picks eyebrow, ”what matter?”

Seal the owl to pause, this just opens a way: ”the accident matter, has the eyebrow.”

Anmu heard here immediately came the spirit, sat straight body, ”you said.”

”Feng Xiao said,” not only the accident has an appearance, in the process of investigation, I also found a thing. ”


”Do you remember that Fei pinzhu ran out of the hospital and was hit by a truck?”


Truck again?!

Anmu thinks about the car accident with Tao Lehao

She immediately took a breath, ”so these two accidents are still connected with each other?”