44 Failed Once (1/2)

'What have I done?'

Nora now downtrodden, made her way back to the guestroom. She had no clue what possessed her at that moment, something far too primal for a cultivator. Something had to be done about it. There was nothing worse than losing one's ability to think during a battle, let alone a small confrontation. What if she lost her temper at someone weaker than Mirlie? It only took a small slight for her to go nearly berserk! She needed to figure things out...


The terrified sobbing still continued to echo throughout the mansion. Following his promise, Sev carefully approached Mirlie, ”You've gotta calm down, everything's alright. No one's going to hurt you.” each word followed by a quiet step towards Mirlie, trying his best to avoid scaring her off. As he approached, he stretched out an arm, gently holding Mirlie by the shoulder, ”I'm here for you, let it out, let it all out... We can talk after...”

As soon as Sev comforted Mirlie, she stepped forward and embraced him. Crying into his shoulder as she tried her best to calm down...

It had taken several minutes before Mirlie completely calmed down. Regaining her senses, Mirlie told Sev and Lucius everything. How the encounter started, the Newborn Revenants who set up the ambush and how she had been blindsided by the Horseman of Conquest.

When Mirlie mentioned Revenants, all it took was a silent exchange between Sev and Lucius before Lucius bolted out of the mansion and out of town.

Being one of the Saints of Death, Lucius had experienced countless encounters and fights with all kinds of undead. Revenants were one of the easier kinds of undead to track. Much like Sev's new Shroud-Wights, Revenants and specially Newborn Revenants were partially tied to the spectral plane.

Although the link was far weaker with Revenants, they still lived a pained existence as they were rejected from the normal world, causing them to leave an extremely faint trail of darkness wherever they passed.

If Lucius could track where the Revenants came from, there may be a chance at finding Percy...
