Chapter 8 (1/2)

Chapter 8 - Snow Mansion Residence

After seeing that it was Xue Qingyan, the light in Bai Li's eyes softened in an instant

”Leave me …” ”Far away”

A hoarse voice careat difficulty

Why did he co to , Xue Qingyan's handsome face reddened, and he iyan's handsoain

dalance, Bai Li increased her speed

As the herbs were refined, the er

Song Yan, as guarding outside the garden, took a deep breath and s master's alchemy level has increased by quite a bit

But shouldn't the younga beauty in the house? What was the point of refining this pill at this tilanced at the pharrance in the pharht burst out fro the refined antidote to the s in Bai Li'sBai Li fall all of a sudden, Xue Qingyan was startled, and iht?”

Xue Qingyan asked anxiously as he fed the antidote from the small jade bottle to Bai Li

The ice-cold liquid slipped into hisaway all the dry heat like a clear spring

The abnor his small face that was as white as jade

Bai Li yan blushed again, ”You, are you alright?”

Bai Li looked at Xue Qingyan's flushed face and found it somewhat funny

Wasn't it said that the Cloud View Continent wasn't particularly conservative? Why was this fellow blushi+ng so easily?

”I'yan and said seriously, ”Thank you for today”

”You …”