733 One-Legged Bull (1/2)

”My apologies, I was a little caught up Let ood friend, Bai Ze” Zhu Yan turned his head towards Gao Peng and the others, introducing Bai Ze who stood beside hi water, reflecting the figures of each Familiar

”Nice to e fool, Zhu Yan, has a pretty blunt personality I'll apologize in advance if he says anything wrong at ti to such straightforward characters”

”Hehe I told you they didn't ently He stood in a half-kneel position beside Zhu Yan and quietly watched hi

”By the here did we stop our discussion yesterday?” Zhu Yan asked loudly as he proround

”Who the De his stool over and sitting down on it

”Oh, oh Right I nearly forgot” Zhu Yan continued in a booeon is the Venoue Demon Its power is equivalent to that of thethe mid-level Gods, it can even match up to the ones that are ht traveled here froenerated a wide expanse of sparks

”Eh My friend is here” Zhu Yan stopped talking and looked at the blast of light flying here froed Thunder Bull He belongs to the sa and the others by way of introduction

The One-Legged Bull

Gao Peng froze There were actually so many mythical familiars on the World Vortex Battlefield

The first had been Pi Xiu, followed by Zhu Yan and Bai Ze And now, another One-Legged Bull had appeared

Gao Peng suddenly reed Bull was ranked third place on the Carnage Chart Could this be the one…

It was in the shape of a bull and was dark in color and luster It had no horns on the top of his head and had only oneat the botto, everything still ell together

Instead, it gave off an elegant aura

It did walk in a way that was si in its step The only difference was that it did not have wings like Flas out as it walked

The One-Legged Bull radiated sunlight and ed into one Around the One-Legged Bull, there was a faint sound of rued Bull

[Monster Level] Level 98

[Monster Grade] Mythical grade / Mythical grade

[Monster Attribute] Electric / Wind / Water

[Monster Skills] Controlling wind and rain (Level 9) / Controlling thunder (Level 10) / Intith (Level 9)

[Monster Territory] Thunder quake

[Special Characteristics]: Thunder skin (Thunder-like roar, skin as the dru five hundred miles if attacked by ordinary people

Effect (1) Passive Effect: The skin of the One-Legged Bull can give off sound, and this sound has the power to kill and injure by use of sound waves At the sa stunned, dizzy and nu attacked by the One-Legged Bull's sound of thunder each time, it would always lower the enemy's Electric Element Iht and ed Bull was surrounded by the splendor of sunlight and ht

Effect (1) Passive Effect: The speed of the One-Legged Bull would increase when there was sunlight and s

Effect (2) Active Effect: Activating its power of radiating sunlight and ed Bull would coe-scale dae)