Chapter 492 - Breaking Out of the Siege (1/2)

Chapter 492 Breaking Out of the Siege

Wulan State was not considered a first-rate power in Europe

Even in Eastern Europe, Wulan State was not considered the most powerful country

However, this country that was famous for its raphical location, had the strictest and even the cruelest military laws in the entire world

This country had the darkest military court in the world Anyone who violated the battlefield discipline would rather die than go to the court

Death wasn’t terrifying

Thewas that it was better to die than to live

Every soldier in Wulan State knew this

The military order had to be carried out immediately Once the order was issued, it would be like a ed nor discussed

In the face of the military order, the army of Wulan State could be defeated However, no one dared to disobey the order, even if the military order would cause them to meet their doom

General Jack’s furious roar ihout the entire block

Berserk, vicious, and hysterical

“Kill them all!”

Such a military order was extremely simple, but it was also extreotiations or confrontation

KingTong did not have the capital to buy time either

General Jack’s furious roar caused a battle that spread throughout the entire Recchi City, which was eventhan the one on the Date of Death!

The soldiers of Wulan State were swarunshots were heard after a brief silence

The aran to move forward

The densely packed soldiers occupied all of the space in KingTong’s vision, filling the area in all directions They charged over without leaving any space

The dust rising from the ruins of the Caesar Hotel had already been washed away by the rain

If anyone looked down from the sky, he would find that the army of Wulan State, which had almost occupied the whole block, rushed toward the Caesar Hotel with all their , the members of the Shadow Throne stood in the center of the ruins

They were surrounded by troops

A sea of people rushed forward

The open space around KingTong had become smaller and smaller, and she was about to be co fro’s eyes were cold, but deep in her eyes, there was bewilderment

She finally realized that she had est mistake was that she should not stall for time when she was surrounded

Or rather, she shouldn’t trust wang Tianzong too ive up the Shadow Throne

In such a situation, if he could appear, she would not have waited until now

But he didn’t show up, which was enough to prove that he had encountered a proble

At that tihest way to break out of the encirclement

But she had waited for a while

That short period didn’t take long, but it gave Prance the best opportunity

The Polar Ground Alliance used to be the largest organization in the Dark World before its collapse, but it was not the most powerful one

There was only a little difference between large and strong in Chinese However, there was a huge difference between the s of the two

The reason why the Polar Ground Alliance was so large was that it beca families and more than 20 countries in Eastern Europe It looked like there were a lot of talents, but in fact, it was extreether with the open and yet secret strife betealthy fa countries, all limited the development of the Polar Ground Alliance

The Shadow Throne had experienced such a period before, but up to now, it was far more mature than the Polar Ground Alliance

However, the Shadow Throne could not change a fact no matter how mature it was

This fact was so naked in front of everyone that no one could ignore it

Like the Polar Ground Alliance, the Shadow Throne was also a colossus composed of many forces and countries It was more mature and simpler than the Polar Ground Alliance, but in essence, there was not much difference between them

The Polar Ground Alliance collapsed, and Eastern Europe was in chaos The chaotic situation in Eastern Europe was the internal strife a, and it eventually involved all countries, various fields, and even the faith in Eastern Europe In the end, it became a mess today

Apart from the other super forces in the Dark World which were too powerful, the biggest reason was that the inside of the Polar Ground Alliance was very complicated

The interior of the Shadow Throne was also very complicated

The dozens of wealthy families in the Shadow Throne carried the will of most countries Different interests, cooperation, disputes, and conflicts were going on al did the most was to balance the interests inside the Shadow Throne She had done a good job in recent years, so she was extreious in the whole of Europe

But no matter hoell she did, those disputes also existed

When they were in the Shadow Throne, they had the same standpoint, but in their respective families, everyone had a different stance Everyone had done s in public or in secret


Everyone had a de had a demon in her heart

That was because she had indeed asked Poppy to kill the Young Master of the Tanlis family with poison

Likewise, other people also had a demon in their hearts

As a result, Prance directly adopted the si the short period when she was stalling for ti discord

The only difference was that not all Prance said was fake

Al he said was the truth

These facts quietly provoked the people with different positions in the Shadow Throne, like a blunt knife stained with poison It was not sharp, but it could cut off one’s throat with a single strike Just a feordsintent that had been condensed in the Shadow Throne turn into doubt and fear

KingTong had never encountered such a situation before