Part 10 (1/2)

”Daddy, wait!” Grayer atterape juice slips froe carpet a deep purple Mercifully, we all turn our attention to the spill, gathering paper napkins and seltzer Grayer stands whi while multiple manicuredhandsdab athis front

”Nanny, I'd really appreciate it if you kept a closer eye on hi inthecar,”Mrs X instructs,placingheruntouchedcupofcoffeeonthetable,likeSnowWhite putting down the apple When she looks back up she has pasted on a bea smile for the secretaries

”See you all nextweek!”

The next afternoon, having finished his lunch, Grayer announces our plans as he cli”


”I want to wassail I' to makemy heart out” I'o, butherselfintopeople's memories

”Okay,whatdoorwouldyoulikeme tostandbehind?” I ask

”My bathroom,” he says over his shoulder as he heads off with purpose toward his wing I follow him andpositionmyself inthebathroomasdirectedA few momentslaterI hearhislittle knock

”Yes,” I say, ”who's there?”

”NANNY,youarejustsupposedtoopenthedoor!Don't talk,justopenit!”

”Right Ready when you are” I sit back on the toilet seat and start checking etofftheground

Again, ashitopushme!I don't likethat Startover”

Eleven knocks later, I finally get it right and a rendition of ”Happy Birthday” thatshakesthe-pane

”Grover, why don't you try a little dancing while you wassail?” I ask when he finishes ”Really'ein your heart out” He puts his hands on his hips ”Close the door and I'll knock,”he says, asif suggestingthis routinefor thefirst ti forabout half an hour until I remember that Connie, the housekeeper, is here and sic Grayer on her I hear hi ”Happy Birthday” over her roaring vacuuhtfullymine


”NoI wanttowassail Let's gobacktomybathroom”


”Oh,whenI wassail!”

”Co Grandma”

One short phone call later and Grayer is not only dancing and singing the actual ”Here we coreen,” which is infinitely less painful, but I have been inspired with a delicious plan

As I give Grayer's wassailing outfit (green and red striped turtle-neck, felt reindeer antlers, candy-cane suspenders) a final once-over for ”ultra wassailyness,” Mrs X co in, Ramon in tow, laden with boxes

Her cheeks are rosy, her eyes are glistening ”Oh, it is a zoo out there, a zoo! I nearly got into a fight with awoman atHammacherSchlemmer utthemdownover there,Raht there is no point descending to her level I think she was fro wallets at Gucci Does Cleveland understand Gucci? I wonder

hankyou,RamonOh,I hopetheylikethe,”hesays, whilepracticinghis soft-sobtheumbrella stand

”Before lunchwe made unsweetenedcookies anddecoratedthehtBeforeChristhis memory

”Oh, wonderful I wish someone would read to me” She takes off her mink and nearly hands it to Raether”So,whatareyouup tonow?”

”I wasgoingtoletGrayerpracticehis caroling?


” nsohtappreciatea littleholidaycheer!”

Mrs X is beaoodboy you areand that'll keep him o-c-c-u-p-i-e-d I have somuchtodo!Havefun!”

I letGrayerpress fortheelevator ”Which floor,Nanny?”

”Let's startwith yourfriendoneleven”

We have to buzz three ti!” from inside the apartmentAs soon as the door opens it's apparent the hour and a half of ”practicing” orth it H H leans against the door frameinfadedChristsleepout ofhis eyes ”HERE WE COME A-WassAILING'AMONG THE LEAVES SO GREEN''/” Grayer is red faced, swaying backandforth,with his jazz handssplayedand antlers wavingFor a splitseconditcrosses his heartout

”LOVEAND JOY COME TO YOU'''” His voice ricochets around the vestibule, bouncing off every surfacesothatitsoundsasifhe's a chorusofe riot Whenit appearshe hasreachedhis conclusion, H H bendsdownandopenshi+s mouth

”AND God BLESS YOU'''” This round zero to be blasted with the spitandsweatofGrayer's effort,whichisthenfollowedbyaneven louderfinale

”Well, goodtoyou,too,Grayer!” Grayer collapses onto the vestibule floor, panting to catch his breath I sirl with a et aDateA RealDatewith aplanand alocationandeverything

”We're caroling?I begin

”Wassailing,” a s aroundthebuilding”

”CanI have acookienow?” Grayersits up,readytoberewardedforhis efforts

H H turns into his apartment ”Sure Come on in Don't mind my pajamas” Oh, if you insist We follow his boxer-clad body into what is essentially the Xes' apartuessthatereeven inthesaThewallsinthefronthallarepainted adeep brick red and are decorated with National Geographic'tjpe black-and-white photographs between kili hair on the carpet We e,grayingyellow Lablying onthefloor

”Grayer, you know Max, right?” Grayer hunkers down and with uncharacteristic gentleness rubs Max's ears Max's tail animatedly pounds the tiles in response I look around; instead of the large island that Mrs X hasinthehatoneendwith theTimes

”Cookies? Anyone want cookies?” H H asks, brandishi+ng a Christ pile of holiday baked goods on the sideboard Grayer runs over to help himself andI forcemyself tofocus

”Just one,Grover”