66 Chapter 59 - Finally A Smart Plan! (1/2)

Griff was ecstatic. He had one day to walk around the headquarters and to get to know the capitol a bit.

Luke had told him that the principal would be allowing his transfer as the first semester wasn't over yet, and he'd be on his way there tomorrow morning.

Well, that didn't matter right now. He wanted to look around this city of marble and majesty!

”Be back in an hour. You two are still under our surveillance for being students starting tomorrow!”

Gareth shouted at Griff and Sylvie, who was now using her spell ”Morph.” Griff had no idea what it's attribute or level as a spell was, but he didn't want to pry in to her secrets.

”Yeah yeah whatever.”

Sylvie simply waved her hand dismissively, and grabbed Griff's hand running out of the gates. Gareth simply grit his teeth watching her actions.

”Breathe in Gareth... they're just kids... they'll learn respect at the academy... damn it I can't deal with brats. This sort of shit is up Bailerion's alley.”


”Just slow down nobody's chasing us!”

Griff shouted as he pulled his hand back from Sylvie. They were in the middle of a trading district with several shops around them. The area was bustling with activity as hundreds of thousands of people walked through the streets in a casual day. Humans, elves and other k

There weren't any shops floating above ground, it seemed to be a casual trade zone.

”Hey hey Griff!”

Sylvie was standing outside of a butchery, looking inside with her mouth wide open.

'This damn dog...I swear if her tail was out it would be wagging maniacally.”

”No food for you right now!”

He grabbed her by her collar and started to drag her, finally the roles were reversed.

”But meat!!!”

”You are NOT eating raw meat. We'll find something to eat later... plus we don't got a lot of money on us.”

Gareth had, under Luke's suggestion, gave both of them a piece of silver to look around the city and buy something if they wished to do so. Well... it seemed Sylvie knew what she wanted to buy.

Griff facepalmed, seeing her still fixated on the butchery.

”Damn it fine, but meet me back here in half an hour. I'll check some stores around in the meantime.”

Sylvie instantly disappeared... leaving Griff to eat her dust.

[She's not as angry as she seemed to be before, huh?]

'She's just a stupid dog. Show her food and she's your friend...'

Caphriel cackled at that.

Griff sighed and started looking around, and his eyes landed on a particular shop.

'A magic shop? It wouldn't hurt to learn more about magic before going to a school.'

Alatar only did teach him how to unleash his mana after all...

The shop was bustling with people of all ages looking around. It was fairly larger than what it seemed to be from outside, and the inside was certainly more lavish compared to the outer, wooden texture.

[Enlargement Runes, don't get too surprised. It's one of the basic runes here.]

As Griff walked through the shop he came to notice all sorts of aspects of magecraft. There were jars filled with specific materials required for alchemy, a section reserved for purely scrolls and books on magical elements, affinity and history, a section for magical tools, which definitely interested Griff, and finally a small section for something called basic attributal lacrima.

The prices seemed affordable to him too! He was getting enthusiastic. Yes, he liked fighting, but being honest with himself he was sick of his crude, technique-less fighting style. He needed to learn more about magic, and Luke had given him the perfect opportunity!

Donning a determined, yet funny looking face, and squeezing his fist, he started to run around the store.

The magical tools were too expensive sadly... the cheapest being sold at 5 silver pieces, and it was only a pair of glasses embedded with zooming runes.

There weren't a lot of books he could buy as well... all of the books that seemed to be in top quality or had the most up-to-date knowledge were very expensive. One of them was even being sold at 2 pieces of gold?! Oh the audacity!

'Tch... like I care about Lost Magic... I totally don't care... yeah! I don't!'

[You're not convincing even yourself you weirdo. Well... at least it's great that you don't only want to be a muscle head. I can tolerate a geek better.]

'Was that supposed to be a compliment?!'

Griff's face lost all of its energy as he was talking with Caphriel.


'Ugh. Why are you like this!'

[It's just how I want to be like.]