328 I am Ye Qingxuan… (1/2)

Silent Crown Feng Yue 35230K 2022-07-20

If Colt had to name someone he did not want to see at Auschwitz, this guy would definitely be in the top few spots. In fact, he had passed Gavin, who used to be number one. Musicians who only emphasized the destructiveness of music scores and specialized in wide-range destruction were too powerful.

”Oh, Colt?” Recognizing him, Sam's eyes brightened. ”Stop talking. Wanna fight?”

Colt scoffed and tried to ignore him. However, he stopped the other musicians. ”He's the only inheritor of the Vacuum, a battle musician who specializes in large-scale destruction music scores. If he tries, maybe no one will be able to win but he'll make at least half of Auschwitz into the grave with him. In addition…” Colt did not finish his words. He just whistled and exchanged a meaningful glance. In addition, his teacher is watching from the sky! Aren't you scared of being discriminated against during the trial?

Soon after Sam passed, someone else stumbled in under the rainy night. The young man wore shabby clothing and his body was covered in bruises. He looked like a bedraggled beggar. Rain and mud had poured into his shoes during this journey and he panted for breath. It was hard to imagine what he had experienced to survive the fierce competition on the way here.

”Is he lucky?” One of the Scepter judges in the sky glanced over and said coolly, ”It's useless to come here. He can't get through the gate.”

Amongst them, an elder with an illusory body furrowed his brows but said nothing. When the youth approached and faint light illuminated his bruised face, the elder was stunned. ”Simon?”

”Simon?” Rebecca, another representative of the School of Illusion, recognized this pathetic youth. However, she never thought he would end up in this state. She could barely see the strong opponent in him anymore.

”What Simon?” the young man spat. ”Haven't you been looking for me for a long time? I'll never change my name, no matter what…Yes, I'm Ye Qingxuan! Come at me!”

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack… Those were the sounds of jaws literally dropping and hitting the ground.

Everyone gaped at this proud guy in bewilderment. Did this guy think he could pretend to be an Easterner with that crappy hair dye? The Angloian grandmaster was watching from the sky! Did he think this was okay?

”Ye Qingxuan?” In the sky, Mr. Hu was shocked too. He glanced at the grandmaster beside him. ”He looks so different. What happened? A bad breakup?”

The mysterious man who had appeared in Maxwell's office coughed violently with a troubled expression. After a long while, he tried to suppress his laughter and looked over. ”Sorry, I don't know him…”

On the ground, 'Ye Qingxuan' was staring down the people before the gate. ”You!” he declared seriously. ”Do you know Old Phil?”

Old Phil? The musicians stared at each other. No one knew who Old Phil was and their eyes grew serious. Was there a powerful and mysterious musician hidden in Auschwitz?

After long hesitation, someone asked timidly, ”Who's Old Phil?”

”Heh, scared now?” A sneer cut across 'Ye Qingxuan's face. He widened his eyes and declared, ”Old Phil is my dad! Aren't you scared! If you're scared then scram! Otherwise, my dad will squash you all…”

Silence. Dead silence.

In the crowd, Rebecca stepped back. Lowering her head, she felt humiliated. Why did she view this psycho as a strong opponent?

In the sky, the illusory elder could stand it no longer. His deep voice rang out, ”Simon, enough! Stop fooling around!”

'Ye Qingxuan' looked up. Seeing the elder, his eyes grew confused. His expression changed dramatically as if thinking of something. After a long while, it dawned on him.

”You're Old Phil!” He opened his arms in ecstasy. ”Dad! I finally found—”

Boom! A formless hand appeared in the rain and grasped Simon. It tightened and disappeared with a pop. Simon was gone too. All that remained was the shuddering elder who roared, ”You disgrace!”

The musicians on the ground were silent for a long time. They had no clue what had just happened.

”Does Simon have some hereditary disease?” someone asked.

”If I've guessed correctly,” Mind musician Arianna said dryly, ”he was probably brainwashed.”

”By whom? One of you Mind people?”