55 Provide Me Evidence (1/2)

Searching For You LIVSY 20520K 2022-07-23

Dao Txu begged desperately. ”Hey, come on, what do you think of my idea?”

Long Kue readjusted his glasses and in his professional business posture, ”We aren't 100 percent sure if his Lord is really interested in her. If you can provide evidence, then let's talk again.” Long Kue was a person who does not like to rush to conclusions. He has yet to see anything that would make him believe. However, what Butler Zeu said was in the back burner of his mind, but he cannot conclude with just that alone. In business, one cannot rush their actions and decisions without enough evidence and precise calculation of the outcome.

PengXu shook his head at Dao Txu, ”You have too much free time to goof around. Take your job seriously.”

”Hey, days in and days out, I'm stuck with a bunch of boring, serious looking men. I'm just trying to make our lives more exciting.” Dao Txu explained feeling a little frustrated at his boring life.

”You could always find a different profession. No one is making you stay.” PengXu replied, looking unaffected by this boring life Dao Txu accused of.

Soon, Butler Zeu came out to call them to go in for breakfast. He noticed that each of them was having their own difficult expressions and the air was a little off, so he asked, ”You young men fought?”

Dao Txu went up to Butler Zeu in despair, ”Na... Zeuy, I told these men to give me a hand to help his Lord pursue Yu Sha but they wouldn't give me a hand.”

”Ohh.” Butler Zeu expression irked at the young men.

Dao Txu continued to mimic Long Kue, pretending to adjust his none existing glasses, ”But then Longy goes, we are not 100 percent sure. If you can provide me evidence, then let's talk again.”

There was a shiny sparkle at the corner of Butler Zeu's eye, he adjusted his glasses, took two steps out to the balcony, and whispered, ”Yesterday way past midnight, Prince got out of his room to get some fresh airs. After sometimes, I went to find him. I never expect to see him with Yu Sha, TOGETHER getting into the elevator. A man and woman TOGETHER while everyone was asleep.” Butler Zeu left things at that leaving the young men in suspense to use their own imagination on what happened.

The three young men's jaw dropped from disbelief. Dao Txu couldn't contain his happiness. His boring life was about to get exciting. He turned to Long Kue giving Long Kue the ”I'm right” smirk.

Long Kue was feeling very dumbfounded at the whole situation, while PengXu was feeling indifferent.

Almost two hours later, the construction workers gathered outside the ship, ready for another day of work. The sooner they finished paving the foundation base, the sooner they get to go back and party. So, they were quite determined to get the day started.