81 Im Bewitched! (1/2)

Searching For You LIVSY 21370K 2022-07-23

She turned to him and asked for his name but Ken Xue already spoke as he could tell what she was thinking, ”Call me Ken and this is Zan, my assistant.” He doesn't want to disclose his identity so he shortens their names.

”So, you two are here for work?” Su Na asked.

”Well, yes, we don't work here particularly. This afternoon we're just exploring as we are free for the rest of the day.” Ken Xue explained.

Prince Hue Chi, Long Kue and Butler Zeu were observing from the restaurant not far up from the group near the bench. Zanki and Ken Xue were so smooth in their actions and speech that one could detect nothing obvious.

It terrified long Kue seeing the acting of the Trimedeis Prince and assistant duo in their scheme getting to the ladies. He looked over to his prince who still had the stony expression as ever, looking unaffected by what he had seen.

Long Kue sighed helplessly. It would be impossible for him to make a move since his Prince showed no interest what so ever. Did he and everyone else mistake Prince Hue Chi's like for Yu Sha? This stone statue here is so unaffected and unmoved by anything.

By the bench, Ken Xue asked, ”Would you ladies like to have a photo together? You two were taking pictures earlier. I wasn't sure if you got what you needed yet.”

Yu Sha replied, ”Umm... Not yet, but there will be many more places to take pictures.” She didn't want to make them feel like it's their fault.

”I'm sure there will be more opportunity for that.” Ken Xue replied.

It sounded like Ken Xue and Zanki haven't been to this place with the way he replied. Su Na slowly opened her mouth and asked, ”Um...You both haven't been here?”

”We have not. This is our first time.” Ken Xue replied truthfully.

Su Na studied the two men, and it seemed like they may be photographers? ”Zan, are you a photographer? You seemed to have an expensive camera there.” Su Na asked.

Zanki laughed nervously as he looked at his camera. ”Ah... haha... not really. My boss here is the better one.” His Prince has a keen for art and aesthetic things. He was more scholarly and peaceful than all other Princes in the world. But most importantly, the camera was for show. They had little knowledge how to work it.

Su Na nodded as she looked at Ken, ”Mm... I see. Would you mind?” Su Na asked if Ken Xue could take a picture of them girls.

”My pleasure.” Ken Xue replied willingly as he took the camera from Zanki. He then instructed the ladies to go pose.

The ladies nodded and Yu Sha replied, ”I guess, since we all are new, we can explore together.” She assumed before meeting the other colleagues.