Chapter 802 (1/2)

After we flew far away, the monitor sent back the picture of the 10th District: they crawled out of the garbage nest carefully, and slowly approached the food we put in. When they found out that it was food, they immediately scrambled for it. Even if the food was enough for all of them for a week, those people moved as much as possible to their homes, never giving the old and weak children any chance to get food!

See such a picture, whose chest has a fire burning. The whole crew of the flying ship was angry at the pictures.

It was thought that putting in enough food would not make everyone hungry. However, we are wrong. Our goodness limits our imagination of the evil nature of human nature.

Instead of helping every one of them, we make the bad people worse.

Those who have already snatched enough food are going to grab the food from the hands of the elderly, children and the sick, apparently regardless of their lives, just to have more food for themselves and live longer!

It's not a zombie. What is it?

The whole conference room was silent.

Harry looked at them with a heavy face and didn't want to look at them any more.

”Kill it. Cough. ” Xingchuan directly said that this is Xingchuan. With Xingchuan's character, these people are afraid to be flattened by him.

”But after all, they are not ghouls. We can't kill innocent people.” Latheus is still kind.

”It's not enough to eat ghosts!” Harry can't help but roar and point to those who are beating the old, the sick and the children just for food.

I stood up.

”Xiaobing Calm down... ” Leiseus looked at me worried. ”You're the queen. You need to be more rational.”

MD, I don't want to be rational right now. If only I could be a tyrant.

I endured the anger in my heart: ”fighting for supplies is a crime! They're criminals. Arrest them all! Bring back the queen city

”I agree!” Harry was the first to agree.

Xingchuan nodded: ”we can't let these people go. Sooner or later, a new zombie tribe will emerge, and those old, weak and children will die.”

”It works.” Leiseus also agreed that ”the world has not been governed by law for a long time. Since we want to build a strong country, we need a legal system to maintain it.”

Raise your hands. We're going back to district 10.

”Dear soldiers of the extreme Star Kingdom, just now, out of good intentions, we put food into the ten districts...” I said solemnly in the messenger, and my influence will be transmitted to every rest area on the flying ship. ”However, what we see is that they scramble for food, beat the old, the children, the sick and the weak, and then snatch the food from their hands, just like the ghouls! But, after all, they are not the zombie tribe. Therefore, we, the Polar Star Kingdom, will apply our law for the first time today. The food Snatchers will be the first criminals in our extreme star country! From now on, we will rule the country according to law! ”

On this day, I finally understood the real role and use of law. When we were faced with some things that were in dilemma and could not be weighed, it solved our problems very well.

Just like these people, kill is not, do not kill will eventually become another batch of demons, that is not our good connivance? At that time, I don't know how many people suffered terrible harm because of our good.

The heart of the virgin frees the wicked, but the wicked kill more.

When our ship came again, those people were not so afraid to hide as the first time. Instead, they scrambled to climb out of the garbage and reached out to us for more food.