Part 25 (1/2)

Latin for Beginners Benjae 29230K 2022-07-20

II 1 The girl began daily to carry water froates

2 The Gauls had pitched their ca time they tried in vain to seize the redoubt 4 Neither did they cease to hurl weapons against[3] the walls 5 But they were not able to (could not) take the town

[Footnote 1: Supply _men_ <nostri>>, <vestri>>, and <sui>> are often used as nouns in this way]

[Footnote 2: Not _children_ The Ro _free_, or as a noun,their _free-born children_ The as never applied to children of slaves]

[Footnote 3: <in>> with the accusative]


Sabini olierebant et ros proximos muris vastabant, iaerant et longe periculo aberant Muris validis et saxis altis credebant Frustra Sabini tela iaciebant, frustra portas duras petebant; castellum occupare non poterant Deinde novum consilium ceperunt[4]

Tarpeia erat puella Romana pulchra et superba Cotidie aquam copiis Romanis in Capitolium portabat Ei[5] non nocebant Sabini, quod ea sine arerebant Tarpeia autem maxime amabat ornamenta auri Cotidie Sabinorum ornamenta videbat et mox ea desiderare incipiebat Ei unus ex[6] Sabinis dixit, ”Duc copias Sabinas intra portas, Tarpeia, et maxima erunt praemia tua”

[Footnote 4: <consilium capere=””>>, _to make a plan_ Why is the _perfect_ tense used here and the i sentences? Explain the use of tenses in the next paragraph]

[Footnote 5: Dative with <nocebant>> (Cf --154)]

[Footnote 6: x>>, _out of_, ie _from the nuumber of_; best translated _of_]




<219>> Sentences are _simple, compound_, or _co but one statement, that is, one subject and one predicate: _The Romans approached the town_

_b_ A _co two or more independent statements: _The Romans approached the town_


_the enemy fled_

NOTE An independent statement is one that can stand alone; it does not depend upon another state one independent statement and one or more dependent statements: _When the Romans approached the town

the enemy fled_

NOTE A dependent or subordinate statement is one that depends on or qualifies another statement; thus _the enemy fled_ is independent, and _when the Romans approached the town_ is dependent or subordinate

_d_ The separate statements in a compound or complex sentence are called _clauses_ In a complex sentence the independent statement is called the _main clause_ and the dependent statement the _subordinate clause_

<220>> Examine the complex sentence

_The Romans killed the men ere taken_

Here are two clauses:

_a_ The main clause, _The Romans killed the men_

_b_ The subordinate clause, _ere taken_