C653 hooligans (1/2)

”What's the matter, water can't get in?”

Soon, Wu Chen found a serious problem, that is, although Yueqing bamboo's body touched the water, the water could not enter anyway, as if it was blocked by her body. He knows that when the body is damaged to a certain extent, it will make a reaction to seal the pores and cells in the body, form a unique barrier, and prevent the external invasion from further damaging the body. This barrier will become more thick with the aggravation of the damage to the body by

or even completely block the contact between the body and the outside world. Now Yueqing bamboo's situation is that the body is burned too strongly by the fire. In order to prevent the body from being completely burned, the barrier blocks all the pores in her body. If it is completely separated from the outside, it will not absorb the outside water.

However, it's hard to fail Wu Chen. Since the body can't absorb water, it's better to forcibly pour it in.

”I'm sorry.”

The body that left hand holds, Wu Chen vacates right hand, put in her mouth place, broke open her mouth forcibly.

As soon as the mouth is opened, a large stream of clear water immediately flows in. In addition to making the water enter the body, it can also stimulate her nerves and make her wake up quickly.

Once a person drowns, the body will react quickly and struggle violently, because no one wants to die.

Due to the influx of water, Yueqing bamboo's body quickly reacts, gradually waking up from the sleeping state, the closed pores of the whole body are also reopened, and it also begins to absorb water. Afraid of hurting Yueqing bamboo, so when the body is able to absorb water, Wu Chen just moves her hand away from her mouth. Her body is now extremely fragile. In case of further damage to her due to her own actions, it will be trouble.

”It's too bad for her to do.” Wu Chen looked up at the sky and fell into a deep thought. The wound of Yueqing bamboo was caused by the black fire of hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell hell fire, and only the emperor water Scripture can control it. This time, the reason why Yueqing bamboo can survive is that when he healed her, the transitional forces include the spirit power of the emperor water Scripture If it wasn't for this, she would have turned into a black carbon. No more. However, the injury she suffered this time is obviously more serious than the last one, and it must be quite laborious to treat. What's more, he now has nothing, no silver needle, no pill, and even no accomplishments.

it's not easy to treat yueqingzhu.


At this time, Wu Chen suddenly heard the cough. He was overjoyed and looked down.

Yue Qingzhu slowly opened his eyes. When he saw it, he saw a dark face and was looking at him.

”Do you feel better when you wake up?”

Yue Qingzhu is stunned and blinks. The voice is familiar to her. Soon, consciousness returns to remind her of what happened before.

”Are you Wu Chen?”

The voice was very light and almost inaudible, but Wu Chen smiled and nodded, ”yes, I am.”

Being able to have a voice and recognize him proves that she is in a relatively good condition.

”How is your face like this?”

Wu Chen smiled and said, ”it was burned.”

Burned? Yue Qingzhu was stunned for a while, and soon remembered that they had been hijacked by xuanmo. Xuanmo absorbed and refined hell hell hell hell hell hell lotus. The whole person was turned into a man of fire. Anyone who contacted him would be hurt by his black fire

because he was so fierce that she could not bear it, so she passed out.

Since Wu Chen has been burned like this, isn't she?