C1645 seconds all the way (1/2)

In Chapter 1645, the first level was passed so quickly

Outside the test tower, people are looking at the test tower. Although they can't see the real situation inside the Chu test tower, there is a light spot on the test tower, which means the person who enters the test tower and hits the list. The light spot moves to which floor, which means that the person who hits the list is on which floor. For example, when Wu Chen just entered the test tower, his light spot was on the first floor On the first floor, and now, the light spot has been transferred to the second floor, which means that he has passed through the first floor and entered the second floor.

”It's only five seconds since this man entered. He has already entered the second level. His speed and strength are not like novices at all.”

”It seems that this man has two brushes.”

Looking at the test tower, people began to take it seriously. Being able to enter the next floor so fast was enough to prove that Wu Chen still had some abilities, not as vulnerable as they thought.

After listening to people's words, Hu Zongxian smiles in his heart. Wu Chen's real strength is far from being revealed. Later, these people will understand how stupid they were to Wu Chen.

”Is this the second floor?”

Wu Chen appears here on the second floor of the test tower. He has a look. There is no difference between the second floor and the first floor. There is nothing in the huge space.

”Are you the one who comes to play?”

A middle-aged man appeared about a foot away from him, with a dignified expression. Since he can get here, it proves that he has the strength to defeat the first layer of guardians, and his strength, though stronger than the first layer of guardians, is not so strong.

”I am.” Wu Chen nodded slightly. He came in to test the tower, just to fight for the list. What's the problem.

”It's true that you have some abilities to defeat Zheng Chong. However, if you want to pass the second level, it's not so easy. Please take one stick from me first.”

The middle-aged people use their own Lingbao directly without saying anything. It's an iron bar with no lower level. It's the middle-level Lingbao.

”Hualongjing is the top of the world.”

As soon as this man uses his strength, Wu Chen can immediately judge that this man's cultivation is stronger than that of the first level. It is the peak of hualongjing, and his strength should be stronger.

However, compared with him, the strength of this point is obviously not enough.


The middle-aged people wield the iron bar and hit it with one stroke. The powerful energy explodes through the role of the iron bar, causing the air around to crack, the space to shake and shake.

However, Wu Chen is still a blow out, with the blow out of this blow out, a strong force, from his fist broke out, a strong impact on the iron bar.


The iron bar was suddenly shaken and flew, along with the middle-aged people, but also was directly shaken and flew, a powerful force, in this space concussion, crazy spread.


The middle-aged man fell to the ground and spit out a lot of blood. He could not imagine that Wu Chen's strength was so powerful that he could be defeated by a single blow. Such strength, at least, could be achieved by the top five in hualongjing.

Wu Chen didn't give a shot after shaking his opponent. So to speak, with his current strength, he can basically kill the opponent in the first 20 floors of the tower without much effort.

At this time, a beam of light hit him and took him away from the second floor and into the third floor.

”He's on the third floor. He's really fast.”

”In 30 seconds, we can break two layers in a row. This speed is definitely not what ordinary people can do.”

”In my opinion, the strength of this man is at least the wuchongtian of hualongjing. Otherwise, there is absolutely no such speed.”
