Chapter 728 (1/2)

In Igor's spaceship, shortly after boarding the spaceship, Igor immediately lay down and fell asleep. The mantis put her hand on Igor's forehead to make Igor sleep more comfortable with her ability.

Skye looked at the egg yolk pie shaped ship. There were only two colors, white and yellow.

The seats and cups of the spaceship are all white and smooth to the touch. They are not made of plastic or glass.

This is a special material from the universe.

The spaceship is autopilot, it shuttles through the universe, Skye did not find the energy module, it can be seen that Igor with such an advanced spaceship is not a layman.

After such a tour of the spaceship, Skye took a rest. She was not very used to space travel. Fortunately, the spaceship was very quiet all the way. It was not like the spaceship that xingjue and rocket raccoon were driving. Even if there were no pursuers in the back, it swayed very much.

Xingjue and Drax are sitting in the living room chatting with Mantis. It takes a lot of time to go to Igo's planet. They are bored.

Xingjue picked up a white cup, which contained no drink. He asked mantis, ”can I ask you a personal question?”

Mantis immediately surprised, she looked at the star Baron, eyes slightly widened: ”no one has asked me personal questions.”

Mantis is is very interested in the personal problems mentioned by xingjue. This is a girl who is not familiar with the world.

Star Jue glanced at the two antennae sticking out of Mantis's head and said, ”what are your antennae for?”

”The use of antennae?” The mantis moves its antennae, and Carmela comes.

Drax said, ”yes, quill made a bet with me.”

After hearing this, the star Baron immediately covered his face and lowered his head. He said with a depressed face: ”man, you shouldn't have said it.”

Drax looked at the mantis solemnly and said his bet with star Baron: ”I bet him that when you want to go through a very low doorframe, your antennae can sense the height and prevent you from hitting your head.”

Star Baron takes a look at Carmela who comes in. They look at each other and smile. Carmela guesses what the bet between star Baron and Drax is.

Drax bet that the mantis's antennae have a special ability to perceive height, while star Baron said, ”I bet that if your antennae have functions other than preventing your head from falling off, then I'll win.”

The mantis immediately said, ”they're not used to sense doorframes.”

Drax turned his head back, while Starbuck laughed and took a sip of the empty drink in his glass.

The mantis solemnly explained, ”I think they have something to do with my synesthesia.”

”What's that?” Carmela comes to the mantis.

Mantis said, ”when I touch people, I can feel how they feel.”

”Can you read the mind?” Xingjue heard that Mantis's synaesthesia means that if it is, it must be very easy to interrogate criminals.

But the mantis immediately denied: ”no, telepathy is the perception of ideas, synaesthesia is the perception of feelings, emotions, OK?”

In order to do an experiment, mantis reaches out to xingjue.

”Good.” Star Jue put his hand on his leg, and he swallowed his saliva gently, looking a little nervous. The mantis puts its hand on xingjue's arm, and then the antennae on her head start to glow. The mantis's synaesthesia is activated, and she says, ”you feel love.”

Star Baron's eyes were wide open, he nodded: ”yes, I think I feel love, selfless love for all people.”