C72 (1/2)

The two sharp swords each contained a dense and surging Spiritual Aura. A moment later, they collided with each other. In an instant, a ripple of force surged out explosively from the point of contact like a wave. Immediately, the dried leaves that were at the spot where the two of them were standing were all lifted into the air, drifting all over the sky.


As the two swords clashed, the blue-clothed youth finally managed to truly feel just how terrifying Xuanyuan Zilong's sword skill and movement skill was. The moment the two swords made contact, a numb feeling spread from the sword in his hand all the way to his arm. Finally, a force that caused one's expression to change surged out explosively. Thus, a mouthful of bright red blood was spat out by the blue-clothed youth.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, the young man hastily retreated a few steps. A fierce look flashed across his face. His body trembled as a light blue Spiritual Energy surged out from within his body. However, just as the spiritual energy was about to erupt. A ghost-like figure once again appeared in front of him as a cold laugh was transmitted over.

Immediately after, the blue-clothed youth felt his vision blur, and then a massive pain spread out from his chest. Finally, he felt his body suddenly shoot backwards. A moment later, he heavily smashed into the tree trunk and spat out another mouthful of fresh blood. He lowered his head with difficulty and was shocked to find that his breastbone had actually sunk in. Although he still had the strength to fight, his chances of winning weren't high.

Before the blue-clothed youth could even raise his head, he heard another muffled sound resound by his ear. After which, his companion who was also a nine star Xuan Emperor also rolled to his side with a face full of blood. At this moment. A hint of terror appeared on his face just now.

Lan Qing clutched at her chest. Suddenly, she raised a pair of paws in front of her and spoke in a quiet voice. ”If you want to continue the beating.” Then cringe. I don't mind a few more kicks. ” These words caused the blue-clothed youth's entire body to tremble. He hurriedly lifted his head with a slight tremble and looked at the black-robed, young man and the three men and three women behind him. There was a trace of fear in his eyes. ”You … you …” What do we want to do?

”I asked, you guys answer.” Xuanyuan Zilong's residence was high up in the sky as he looked down upon the terrified face of this old man. He slowly grasped the starlight sword in his hand and suddenly swung it, his purple feathers bringing with it a tremendous pressure as they stabbed into the ground in front of the blue-clothed youth. The wide sword blade gave the latter an enormous pressure.

”What do you want to ask?” The blue-clothed young man swallowed a mouthful of saliva and slowly calmed down. Regardless, according to the rules, killing was not allowed in this forest. Otherwise, the elders who were always watching the movements in the forest would immediately show up and those who violated the rules would be punished according to the rules. Thus, other than being a little worried about the pain he would suffer, he didn't have any worries about his life.

”How big is this forest?” Xuanyuan Zilong pondered for a moment, then first asked him a simple and extremely important question. If the forest area was large, then they would have made preparations to fight for a long period of time. If he was small, he might be able to change his strategy and head straight for his destination.

”It's very big.” The blue-clothed youth replied. Xuanyuan Zilong helplessly sighed in his heart.

”Is there a rough map of the forest?” Xuanyuan Zilong shot a glance at the blue-clothed youth, but suddenly waved his hand. He tilted his head and said to Xuanyuan Wen Jing and the other three, ”Take one of you to the side and interrogate them, and then we will come here to testify. If the answer you give is different from the rest, then you can't blame us for being ruthless. Even though it couldn't hurt a person's life here. He could be seriously injured by mistake. It shouldn't be considered a violation of the rules, right? ”

The last words. Xuanyuan Zi Long naturally turned around and said with a smile to the blue-clothed youth's group of five. Xuanyuan Zilong's words directly caused the expressions of the blue-clothed youth's group of five to turn extremely ugly. Such an action seemed to completely dispel any thoughts of lying.

Xuanyuan Wen Jing and the other three held an older student and walked to the side. When Tang Wen turned around, he couldn't help but say, ”Boss, you're good. I admire you so much …”

Xuanyuan Zilong laughed, turned around and his gaze landed on the blue-clothed youth in front of him as he slowly said, ”Answer now.”

”There's a rough map, but it's not very detailed, this map. It was purchased during the hunting competition in the inner courtyard. It took me a full ten days of 'spiritual energy'. ” The blue-clothed youth ruefully smiled. He obediently took out a rough piece of paper from his storage ring. He passed it to Xuanyuan Zilong.

”Aren't you guys very concerned about 'spiritual energy'? You actually gave up on spending such a crude item like this to buy it?” Receiving the piece of paper, with its crisscrossing lines that looked like several big black forks, made the corner of Xuanyuan Zilong's mouth twitch a little. Could this also be counted as a road map?