167 Naruto Thief System 165: Ghost Seal (1/2)

Lavender closed her eyes, with a reassuring look on her face. After receiving Moonlight Chiba's personal promise, all the worries in this little Nizi's heart were dispelled.

”Well, it will definitely be.” Moonlight Chiba tucked the quilt corners for Lavender. After sleeping well again, there was a sound of even breathing in her ears.

Lavender always went to bed early and got up early, and went to bed so late today, completely because of the big day and the surprise at night. At this time, after removing his worries, he fell asleep in a moment.

”Hey...for the New Year, I won't give a good start, your brother and I, it's really hard to be happy.” Moonlight Chiba couldn't help but mutter in her heart when she heard the sound of breathing that was close at hand.

Two thefts, one success and one failure, the one that succeeded was still a [China Tobacco] that Mao didn't use for him. It would be strange if there was no complaint during the ”Nine-Three-Three” period.

”Call the system, blindly steal, I used the last chance of stealing.” Moonlight Chiba let out a sigh of breath, calmed his mind, and said silently to the system in his heart.

”Ding! The host blind stealing skill is activated, the random stealing target is: [Millennium Kirin Exhaustion], the difficulty of theft: 3 stars, the success rate of theft: .%.”

”Ding! Trigger the passive skill [Double Steal] (there is a certain chance to steal two items), the second item is confirmed, the target of theft is the related item: [Ghost Seal], the theft difficulty: 3 stars.”

rub!Skills inspired!

Hearing two consecutive prompts, Moonlight Chiba's heart was excited, staring eagerly at the next reaction.

[Double Stealing] This passive skill was added after it was upgraded to level three. It has never been triggered. Although I don’t know how likely it is to be triggered, it has no effect several times in a row. In Moonlight Chiba’s heart, this Skills are labeled as'not practical'.

Who could have thought that this skill was triggered abruptly when he was alive or dead while sleeping!

[Double Steal] This skill is very interesting. After it is triggered, there is a certain probability of stealing two items. These two items can be similar items or related items.

Not only that, the second stolen item has no success rate. As long as the first stolen target succeeds, the second one must succeed.

Conversely, if the first one fails, the second one must also fail. This is why the second prompt of the system does not indicate the reason for the success rate of theft.

I have heard that Qilinjie is a kind of Chinese medicine. It is said that the effect of the medicine will change qualitatively with the passage of time. At the beginning, it can only be used as an ordinary medicinal material, but as the age increases, it will produce a lot of incredible The magical effect.

If Qilin Xie has only heard of it, then the name of [Ghost Seal], Moonlight Chiba, is thunderous. The legendary thing of King Lushang can tune the Yin soldiers, which is unreasonable.

The two are linked together, Moonlight Chiba probably already knows that these two things are probably the top two in the world of Tomb Raiders.

”I'm going to make a good start this year! The system! How awesome are you!” The heart banged straight, the blood flow accelerated, Moonlight Chiba's eyes stared at the system interface without blinking.