35 Canyon Battle P2 (1/2)

I AM GOD! MountTaiUnleashed 27420K 2022-07-21

At the bottom of the cliff was a flat rocky clearing, a giant dead beast could be seen impaled by several stalagmites that emerged from it's bloody corpse in a brutal fashion.

In front of the corpse, Lilium and Emil were standing with a guarded posture. They cautiously looked at the uninvited guests standing 20 meters away from them.

The foreigners in front consisted of two women.

One who was 14 meters tall and wore a thick, multi layered metal armor suit. It was simple, colored bronze and protected her head via neck guard but that also hindered her visibility. Her brows were bushy and her nose curved upwards, eyes as brown as the earth and red hair, wavy and short.

The other woman stood at 11 meters, she wore a revealing robe which accentuated her prominent curves. Her eyes were glacier blue, hair long and dark like the night. A cold expression adorned her beautiful face giving one the feeling of a winter frost.

The key difference between them and Emil and Lilium was that they didn't have wings. Instead, they had long scaly tails with a pointy tip at the end. It was unknown whether or not it was bone as it easily bent with it's swaying movements.

Throughout the tail were thick, powerful muscles that retained flexibility and a thin scale skin that shone with a metallic light. The only other difference was that the two women's horns were a shade darker.

Emil steadied himself, he was prepared for battle at any point.

The two women with formidable auras who stood afar from him were from a new race the Seraphim had recently discovered, they called themselves the Hezurians. It was quite a shock as over the past few years they had thought themselves alone in this vast land.

Although relations were a little tense, both races decided to keep out of each others way. Such an outcome is quite uncommon for sure, but it was expected as they had nothing to fight over. The lands were endless as were resources, there was no end to the large mountains where spiritual Qi gathered and most importantly, the strengths of their races were roughly equal according to the several friendly skirmishes that had happened.


From above came the urgent flapping of wings, Lilith and Horace landed on the ground with a thud causing the rocks beneath their feet to shatter. Horace quickly retreated behind Emil and Lilium as he sensed danger coming from the two women.

Lilith looked at the two with her grey eyes, the powerful aura hidden within her body ready to explode forth at any moment.

”What do you two want?” She asked in a somewhat domineering tone.

The tall armored woman smiled a wide grin. ”You know stranger, me and my sister were out hunting for some food and came to this specific spot down here. We often come to this place you see, as there's some mighty fine fish in the river.”

She opened her arms wide. ”You can imagine our surprise then when suddenly, out from nowhere, this big tasty.. scrumptious.. delectable.. ” Her eyes seemed to glaze over as she looked at the dead beast, drool dripping from her thick lips.

”Humph!” The beautiful woman beside her elbowed the drooling woman in the side which rattled her armor.

”Ah!” The armored woman snapped out of her stupor, she smiled wryly. ”Uh.. yes this beast fell from the sky and died, clearly the heavens are being generous by providing us with some tasty meat. Me and sister rushed over immediately to claim it.”

”To be honest, I was absolutely overjoyed. I haven't had such high quality beast meat in ages, but before I could get to the beast and claim my tasty steaks.. these little thieves appeared!!!” The armored woman's eyes went bloodshot as she glared at Emil and Lilium fiercely, the very thought of some thief coming along and taking her food away angered her to no end.

”Hahaha.” A peal of mellow laughter left Lilith's succulent lips.

The armored woman raised an eyebrow as she asked. ”What's so funny?”

”You actually think this is your beast?” Lilith asked as her laugh receded.