44 Fallen P3 (1/2)

I AM GOD! MountTaiUnleashed 40860K 2022-07-21

//Outside The Palace~//

Lilium, Emil and Horace were looking with fear towards the outskirts of the city where the defense formation did not reach.

A literal storm of fire battered against the barrier defending the city, fiery rocks fell from the sky in droves. It was like the end of the world had descended upon Elysia.

No longer were there lush green forests and clear rivers and lakes surrounding the mountain, all that remained was scorched earth and ashes.

”I-I-I'm n-never leaving the m-mountain again! I-It's way too scary o-out there!” Horace stuttered with a trembling voice. The first thing he's going to do when he gets home is to shut himself in and take up that art hobby he always wanted to do.

[Screw being a heavenly guard! Either i'll get eaten by beasts or some firestorm will come out from nowhere and burn me to death!] He thought with his back drenched in sweat.

”I don't think General Lilith will allow that.” Emil remarked with a frown.

”W-who cares! S-s-she'll have to d-d-drag me off this mountain, kicking and screaming!” Horace said with as much bravery he could muster.

”I care!! You will listen to mistress Lilith's orders even if I have to beat them into you!” Lilium snorted as she began rolling up her sleeves.

Horace's earlier bravery was immediately snuffed out as he shrank back in fear. ”I forgot that the fanatic was listening.. dammit.” He muttered regretfully.

”I heard that!” Lilium's eyes narrowed, as she was about to whack Horace over the head, a feminine scream came from inside the palace.

”That was the Queens voice!” Emil looked towards the palace with caution.

”Something must have happened, we should go check it out.” Lilium suggested with a hint of worry in her eyes.

Both Emil and Lilium nodded towards each other before they opened the palace doors and stepped in.

”H-Hey! You guys, the King said we shouldn't disturb them.. ” Horace hurriedly said as he hesitantly followed.

As the trio entered the palace, they were greeted by a shocking sight.

In front of them, Helel in each of his hands he gripped the throats of his wife and daughter. Madness coursed through he eyes as golden blood continuously leaked from them. It seemed as if he snuff the life out of them at any moment!

Both Emil and Horace were too stunned and thus their actions were delayed. Only Lilium managed to keep her cool.

”I don't have much time!” As if by instinct, Lilium leapt forward, the floor beneath her feet shattering in a cloud of smoke.

As she flew towards Helel at tremendous speeds her fist began to shimmer with a white light.

”Cease your actions my King!” Her voice rumbled with power as her fist struck Helel square in his chest.

Helel was knocked back as a guttural roar left his mouth. He smashed into a nearby pillar which collapsed onto him. Both Cybele and Pandora were released falling weakly to the ground.

Lilium quickly checked the Queen and princess, both were unconscious and faintly breathing. She wiped sweat off her brow in relief.

While she was checking Cybele and Pandora, both Emil and Horace landed by her side.

”Are they okay?” Emil asked worriedly.

Lilium nodded her head and replied. ”They need some rest-”


The debris covering Helel exploded outwards as his figure rose from the dust cloud. Turning his ferocious gaze towards the group, an unprecedented power began to radiate from his body causing the air the vibrate.

”Horace, take the Queen and Princess and leave the palace. Go tell mistress Lilith that the king.. has gone insane.” Lilium whispered as she caught her breath, her eyes locked onto the insane king.

”What about y-you guys?” Horace asked uneasily.

Lilium continued to stare at Helel as she replied. ”We'll try to hold him back, you must hurry!”

”Lilium's right!” Emil patted Horace's shoulder.

With the Queen and Princess held securely in his arms, Horace shouted to them as he left in a flash. ”I'll be back!”

”Do you think we can take him?” Emil looked towards Lilium.

”Not a chance.. There's a reason why he's the king. He wouldn't be the strongest Seraphim otherwise.” Lilium said softly.

Emil smiled wryly. ”Even if it was a lie, I was hoping you would say yes.” His voice carried a clear sense of nervousness.

”If we manage to beat him... maybe you could take me out for a drink.” Lilium said it in the heat of the moment but immediately regretted it after as her cheeks flushed red.

”Drink?” Emil was stunned, his eyes brightened as the previous nervousness he had disappeared.