51 God Descends Upon an Unsuspecting Universe P3Final (1/2)

I AM GOD! MountTaiUnleashed 47750K 2022-07-21

[Ahh...I was in such a good mood too.. Why do people have to court death? Is it that hard just to leave this goddess alone?] Ariel thought with a tired sigh.

Emperor Chi had already moved forward, all it took was one step and he was already just a few feet away from Ariel.

”I must insist you stay, you have no choice in the matter...In fact, I have decided that you will be my wife, my empress!” Emperor Chi said demandingly as he eyed Ariel greedily. No matter what backing she had, he will crush them all! Nothing will stop him from obtaining her.

Uncle Bai sighed as he thought. [Little Zuo, you could at least be a little more tactful.]

Turning around once again, Ariel faced Emperor Chi with an enchanting smile. ”A non-entity like you?” She covered her mouth as a laugh full of mockery escaped her lips.

Uncle Bai growled coldly. ”Junior, to refer to his highness as such....is an unforgivable sin!”

As he was about to send her to death for her offense, he was stopped by a raised hand from Emperor Chi.

”Grand Uncle Bai, please forgive her careless remark.” Emperor Chi smiled.


As Uncle Bai was about to protest, Emperor Chi shook his head and said. ”Don't worry Grand Uncle Bai, I will teach this girl thoroughly. She may be a bit feisty right now but when I throw her onto the bed, she shall become obedient and meek like a kitten.” He looked Ariel up and down as he licked his lips, just imagining it caused heat to rise up in his loins.

Uncle Bai's eyes seemed to brighten as he nodded his head in agreement. He smirked towards Ariel as he thought. [Just you wait, Little Zuo will teach you proper manners and turn you into a fine empress.]

While listening to their conversation, Ariel could no longer hold back as she laughed loudly while slapping her thick voluptuous thigh.

Emperor Chi frowned as he asked. ”What's so funny?”

Ariel wiped a tear from her eye which disintegrated into mist on her finger as she replied contemptuously. ”As much as I enjoy watching you silly baboons clown around, my amusement has it's limits...and currently; all you're doing is boring me.”

”What?! a Ba-babo-” The Emperor was interrupted by Ariel before he could finish his sentence.

”But I do know what would amuse me right now...” Ariel's eyes curved into two crescent moons, her enchanting smile growing wider.

Suddenly, Emperor Chi felt an unfathomable sense of danger which paralyzed his body in fear.

Behind Ariel, above Uncle Bai; space shattered like a broken window.

Uncle Bai didn't even know what hit him before he was engulfed by the spatial cracks. His body was torn apart like paper being thrown into the shredder, even his mighty soul evaporated like a drop of water landing on a red hot frying pan.

The empress and concubines behind Emperor Chi covered their mouths in shock, expressions of fright appearing on their beautiful faces. The two white dragons screamed in fear as their instincts told them of the immense danger coming from Ariel, both undid their reins before fleeing into the distance at insane speeds.

Inside the crack, a scene appeared; it was like a movie but it was so clear and crisp that it looked no different from reality. It showed a vast garden and much to his disbelief; Emperor Chi knew exactly where this garden was as it was his home! The garden was situated within the Northern Moon capital's grand palace; the place of his birth and where he currently reigned as Emperor!

Another Ariel appeared in the garden, the scene followed her as she hummed a tune while strolling through the garden admiring the scenery and the various marble sculptures.

Emperor Chi couldn't move as he was being held by some mysterious power, he could only watch the strange scene before him with many questions running through his mind. [Is that her clone? How could she be there?] The thoughts in his mind multiplied as the scene continued.

Eventually, the Ariel in the scene came upon a maze in which the laughter of children could be heard.

The moment Emperor Chi heard that laughter, his heart tightened and his eyes opened wide in terror. ”I-Impossible!” He muttered in a trembling voice.

At the entrance of the maze the Ariel in the scene waited patiently, it was only a few seconds later when a young child came running out. He was around 4 years old and was wearing loose comfy silk robes.

Beads of sweat dripped down Emperor Chi's face, a fear induced insanity began to consume him.

The child in the scene was hypnotized by Ariel's appearance, he remarked in an immature voice. ”Big sister, you're so pretty!”

Ariel smiled beckoned the little boy to come closer.

”NO! DON'T GO! DON'T GET CLOSER TO HER, RUN!!!” Emperor Chi shouted madly at the little boy in the scene, but his voice did not reach him like he had hoped it would.

The concubines and the Empress where shocked at the Emperor's outburst, they had never seen that boy before so they didn't know why he was so agitated. ”Could it be an illegitimate child?” The Empress in the red gown thought curiously.

The child in the scene walked towards Ariel with his arms outstretched. ”Carry!” He said eagerly.

Much to the Emperors terror, the Ariel in the scene picked the young child up in her arms.

”Why aren't you a little cutie!” The Ariel in the scene remarked as she pulled the little boy's cheek.

The little boy giggled as he said. ”Stop! it tickles!”

”Please...no..” Tears began to leak from Emperor Chi's eyes as he pleaded towards Ariel who was standing in front of the scene quietly.

The Empress had never seen the Emperor cry before, that state he was in was so pathetic; it made her body shiver fearfully.

It was then that the Ariel in the scene turned around while holding the young child in her grasp, she was looking directly at Emperor Chi!

Both the present Ariel and the one holding the boy smiled eerily towards the frightened Emperor.