77 YOU DARE! P3 (1/2)

I AM GOD! MountTaiUnleashed 29600K 2022-07-21

Eventually everyone saw who intruded upon the Silent Valley sect.

It was a young teen with long golden hair, his looks were so heavenly that it gave people the impression that he was not from this world like an ethereal being descending upon the mundane plane. Many young female disciples fainted when they saw him. In his embrace was a peerlessly beautiful girl with shiny black hair, jade like skin and playful eyes.

”A foundation realm boy and an innate realm girl!?” Zuo Ning observed the two warily. ”How are they flying with such low cultivations? A treasure perhaps?”

”What are your intentions boy?” Zuo Ning's eyes shone maliciously.

Rong Xiaoman looked down at at Dong Mu with a glare. ”I have come to get my fiance..Jiang Ying!”

”B-big brother? BIG BROTHER!!” Jiang Ying wailed loudly as tears fell from her pretty eyes.

Dong Mu had an ugly expression on his face while Sun Xi was feeling a little deflated. The momentum he had built up before dispersed into the wind.

”Don't be ridiculous boy, she is now the fiance of little Mu!” Zuo Ning scoffed as he made a movement with his hand. The elder beside him nodded before flying towards Rong Xiaoman and Qin Zhenzhen.

”Give me back Little Ying or you will all be destroyed.” Rong Xiaoman said coldly.

”Be quiet boy, some time in the sect dungeon will do you good.” The elder appeared before Rong Xiaoman with a sneer plastered on his face.

”I have no time for this.” Rong Xiaoman reached out her hand and the man before her stopped like a bug in a spiderweb. A beam of light flashed from her finger and pierced the forehead of the elder. His final expression before his death was one of shock as he fell from the sky and with a loud thud hit the solid platform beneath.

”Is this real?” A disciple shook his head in disbelief.

”A foundation realm ant killed a nascent soul realm cultivator? Impossible!?” Another disciple cried out.

Many of the audience below had become speechless.

Rong Xiaoman raised two fingers to the sky. They began to glow with an ominous light, one that gave Zuo Ning an extreme sense of danger.

Looking at the clueless elders beside him, Zuo Ning cursed in his heart while simultaneously shouting. ”Get out of the way!” Performing a secret technique, his body burst into a green fog and evaporated.

Unlike Zuo Ning, the seventeen elders left were a step too late. Rong Xiaoman shouted. ”Begone!” And with a swipe of her fingers a blade of light sliced through the elders like a hot knife through butter.

By the time they noticed something was wrong their lower halves had detached from the bodies and fallen to the ground, the tip of mount Wusheng rumbled and slid downwards to the mountainside.

Both Lu Meng and Sun Xi's eyes had almost popped out in shock from the power displayed by Rong Xiaoman.

Watching all of this happen Dong Mu became a little fearful. He was cursing whoever sent him the unlucky star called Jiang Ying. His eyes shone with a crafty glint as he began to draw a 3 meter runic circle on the ground with a mysterious blue ink he pulled from his storage ring.

Jiang Ying was too preoccupied with gazing at Rong Xiaoman to notice. A proud feeling filled her heart as she mumbled with moist eyes. ”That's my big brother...my husband, he's so powerful!”

As he finished drawing up the circle, it glowed with a gentle white light before disappearing and leaving no trace behind.

He grabbed Jiang Ying by the neck and stood in the center of the invisible circle.

”Ah! Big Brother help!” Jiang Ying screamed as she struggled to free herself from the vice-like grip of Dong Mu.

”Little Ying!” Rong Xiaoman shouted as she waved other hand causing Qin Zhenzhen to float safely to the ground. Afterwards, she flew down and landed before Dong Mu.

Dong Mu was hiding behind Jiang Ying, his arm wrapped around her neck. His body was glowing green, ready to detonate his Dao Fruit at a moments notice. Any suspicious movement from Rong Xiaoman's hands and he wouldn't hesitate as there was a calculated craziness in his eyes. ”You want her? Come and get her!”

”You coward!” Rong Xiaoman growled angrily, she slowly stepped forward.