80 Titans Descent P2 (1/2)

I AM GOD! MountTaiUnleashed 31160K 2022-07-21

Nraka may be a prison but it still functions as one of the heavenly continents, there were many cities on it's surface and countless clans and sects. Only the restricted zones that were entrances to the giant prison beneath were unpopulated.

In one of the smaller unassuming cities there was a small orphanage which was extremely strange to see as the strong survived and the weak were mercilessly killed or exploited. These were the iron clad rules for the devil race yet something so opposed to that, a place to raise the weak and abandoned existed here.

Although the city was one of the smaller ones if compared to others found in Nraka, it still had over a hundred million residents. The buildings were made from dark wood and obsidian bricks.

Laughter from children resounded from the orphanage but the devils walking down the street payed it no mind, they dared not to as the orphanage was owned by the most powerful man on the Nraka continent. Instead they walked passed it briskly and silently, even the nearby fighting arena's, a popular pastime of the devils which would usually be full of boisterous roars and cheers was oddly quiet.

Inside the orphanage, there was a small room. Unlike the desolate cold, grey and black outside; the room was warm and fulled with a myriad of colors. There were around 40 young devil children of various ages, all were sitting on soft cushions and eagerly listening to a young man in the center of the room who was telling a story.

The young man had a handsome appearance, with high brows, a long straight nose and a sharp jaw. He wore a spotless white robe and had long purple hair which trailed down his back. A gentle and holy aura which made others feel reverence radiated from his body.

He was Lord Zhao. A strange young man, the furthermost from a devil. He was sent to Nraka because of his radical views. Unlike other devils, he advocated peace and kindness, unity and understanding. His polar opposite opinions got him on the wrong side of many powerful devils thus he was forcefully deported from the celestial realm and sent to guard Nraka.

”Uncle Zhao!, Uncle zhao! What happened next?” An inquisitive young girl 6 years of age sitting on the right side of Lord Zhao asked in a cute voice.

Lord Zhao smiled and patted her head. ”Don't be too impatient little Hua.”

He continued the story saying. ”The Qiln sneaked passed the guards and into the granary, with his secret treasure he took 6 jins of grain before escaping.”

Little Hua frowned in thought before revealing a toothy grin. ”Uncle Zhao! The Qiln should have taken all the grain then he could have eaten for a long time!”

The other young children surrounding seemed to agree as they nodded their small heads.

Lord Zhao shook his head and laughed. ”Little Hua, you're wrong there.”

Little Hua tilted her head as she asked. ”Uncle Zhao how am I wrong?”

Lord Zhao patted a young boy, 8 years of age on the back who was sitting to his left and said. ”You know answer right little Ru?”

Little Ru nodded his head happily. ”The Qiln only took enough to feed himself as the grain was there to feed the villagers, what would the villagers eat if he took it all?”

Lord Zhao nodded in approval as he smiled brightly, though it didn't last as a serious frown appeared.

A tear in space appeared behind him as Celestial Xue stepped out from it causing the children to shout in excitement as they clapped their hands.


”A big miss came!”

Celestial Xue bowed as she said in a solemn voice. ”Lord Zhao...fatal danger approaches.”

Moments after she appeared, voices of shock and bafflement came from outside the orphanage.

The frown on Lord Zhao's face never eased as he replied. ”I know..I just sensed it.”


//Back at the black palace~//

In the sky, Ariel floated silently as the pits of swirling darkness that was once her eyes gazed down upon the prince Dong Mu and his entourage coldly.

The spit on her face flickered like a static television image eventually disappearing, it was as if it had been erased from all possible existence.

”H-Husband...what have you done?” The beautiful female devil beside Dong Mu muttered as her long purple hair fluttered in the wind and her red gown which hugged her shapely body.