89 Suffering Ad Infinitum Side Chapter (1/2)

I AM GOD! MountTaiUnleashed 37280K 2022-07-21

I Dong Mu was born a proud son of heaven, one of the many princes of the great devil emperor.

With such a background I was destined for greatness, many would fall to their knees at my feet, countless beautiful women would be mine to take and ravish. Even if I didn't defeat the other princes in a bid for the throne, I would have still been a devil duke with access to insurmountable resources..

Yet I offended an unfathomable being. A God with powers beyond comprehension; powers so great that no matter how one cultivates nor how long they could never reach that God's heights.

Qin Tian.. Is that even his name? Or does it even have a gender?

Was it just curious about the vast world and decided to frolic among the mortals?

Heh.. it matters no more.

When I saw the untold torment imposed upon the few I cared for in the world, I felt an impotent rage with no vent for release.. yet those feelings were quickly snuffed out by an overbearing despair as I watched the domain I ruled over destroyed by the God's gargantuan creations.

After the total anihhilation of Nraka, the God summoned a statue in the image of a woman of such impossible beauty that it shook my despairing heart, but only for a mere moment.

In the statue's hands was an insidious looking cube, the aura it released made one feel an innate fear that seeped into the bones.

The God gloated to me, though it's words were lost upon my ears. The only thing I could remember was ”Every single one of you” What did it mean by those words I wonder pointlessly.

As I was engulfed in the burning pitch tar tenticles that wriggled along my skin like scolding snakes, my vision changed from one of complete darkness to one of a blinding red light.

When my eyes adapted, what laid before me was a horror beyond my limited imagination.


Dong Mu stood shakingly upon a vast field of pulsating flesh. The sky was a myriad of different reds that constantly shifted and swirled as if time was passing at insane speeds.

In place of the a sun, there was a colossal trapezohedron that spewed blinding rays of red light from it's numerous sides.

As he observed the surroundings, the more afraid he became. Large monuments of wriggling flesh pierced the sky like living mountains, trees made from various severed limbs made great forests that went on for uncountable miles.

[What madness is this? Ugh!]He thought as a foul smell assaulted his nose. It smelled like decayed flesh, burning rubber and sulpher.

Dong Mu took a step and heard a cry of pain. Lifting his foot in fright, he looked down and saw the face of a young girl protruding from the fleshy ground.

Her expression was one of helplessness and pity.

The face of the little girl looked at Dong Mu hopefully. ”Mister that hurt.. please help me?”


Dong Mu let out a yelp and backed away with fear in his eyes, eventually bumping into one of the surrounding limb trees.

He felt a squirming feeling on his back and leapt away from the tree. As he observed the tree closely, he discovered that under the tree's human-like skin was thousands of moving little lumps.

One of the lumps pierced through the skin of the limb tree and what came out was a finger tip sized bug. It had six legs which had human hands for feet. It's face was a wrinkled old man with a gaping jaw filled with jagged teeth.

The little bug screeched a loud sound reminiscent of squeeling pig before scuttling back through the small hole from whence it came.

Dong Mu shivered as he punched towards the tree with all his might with a black dragon leaping forth from his hand. Despite his powerful cultivation, his punch was nothing but a weak breeze on the limb tree.

”What!” He shouted in surprise. Focusing on his fist, he once again gathered his strength again and punched the fleshy ground.

”Hah!” Dong Mu's fist sunk into the ground, dealing no significant damage at all. If this were Nraka, that fist would have made a crater several tens of meters deep.

”This can't be... ” Dong Mu looked at his shaking hands. [Here.. I am mortal..] The very thought sent endless shivers down his back.

”Mister help me! Please!” A childlike voice echoed behind him.

”No!” Dong Mu turned around and once again, the little girl's face was right before him protruding from the ground.

”I-I-I can't help you!” Dong Mu backed away with fear on his face.

”Mister! It hurts! It always hurts! Please help!” The little girl cried out with an agonized expression.

”No-no!” Dong Mu slowly backed away when more voices came.