4 Blossoming (1/2)

Killer Instinct Sir_Mystera 31440K 2022-07-21

The next day during lunch break...

”Did you hear?” one guy said. ”Shirohana was with Karma yesterday.”

”Oh my god,” one girl said. ”Are they dating?”

There was a rumor that floated through the school that Karma and Shirohana were on a ”date”. Everyone was talking about it.

*Oh my god. Why is everyone talking about that? We were just hanging out...* Karma thought, annoyed.

”HEY FUCKER! COME HERE!” Someone shouted. The class grew silent and looked at who was shouting. Karma slowly turned and saw the guy who warned him not to get close to Shirohana. Everyone looked at Karma.

”M-Me?” Karma asked, nervously.

”WHO ELSE WOULD I BE TALKING ABOUT?!” The guy shouted. He stomped over to Karma and grabbed him by the collar.

”I warned you to not get so close to her. Yet, you did,” The guy exclaimed angrily and raised a fist.

”Josh! Stop that!” A girl shouted. Shirohana was at the door, heavily breathing. ”What are you doing?!”

”S-Shirohana?” Josh said, nervously. ”What are you doing here?”

”I should be asking you that,” Shirohana said angrily. ”What are you doing to Karma?”

”I-I can't let a repeat of that incident. I won't let it happen. That's why I need to take care of this guy,” Josh said, turning back to Karma and raised his fist. Shirohana quickly ran to them and stepped between them, arms stretched, facing Josh.

”I won't let you. Karma saved my life and I owe it to him to stop you,” Shirohana said, sternly. Josh slowly dropped his fist.

”Tsk,” Josh mumbled and left the classroom. Shirohana sighed and turned to Karma.

”I'm sorry about Josh. He's just very overprotective of me,” Shirohana said. ”It's all because of an incident that happened a long time ago. I'm sorry you were dragged into this.”

”It's alright,” Karma replied. ”I sorta get what he was feeling.” Shirohana smiled.

”Come with me for a bit,” Shriohana said, lightly pulling on Karma's hand. Karma allowed himself to be led out of the classroom. They headed for the school courtyard and found themselves an empty bench.

”Here I made this as thanks for yesterday,” Shirohana said, pulling out a bento box. She opened it to reveal a wide variety of meat, vegetables, etc.

”This is all for me?” Karma said, amazed.

”Yep. You saved me from that speeding car. The least I can do is give you this,” Shirohana said, handing Karma the bento. Karma readily accepted and took a bite of the meat.

”This is so delicious,” Karma said.

”Thanks,” Shirohana said sweetly. ”I tried my best.”They ate and talked until the bell signaled the end of lunch break. Classes went on as usual, with some quick glances and small gossip because of the incident with Josh.

”Sighh,” Karma sighed as the last bell rang. He packed up his things and left the classroom. It was cool outside, breezes of wind blew past Karma. As Karma was walking, someone knocked him out. Karma fell on to the ground. As his vision faded, he saw a bunch of men in black suits looking down at him.

Then everything was black.

”Ugh...,” Karma groaned in pain. His head was ringing and he was really dizzy. He sat up and realized he was roped up.

”You're finally awake,” a boy's voice said. It was Josh. Beside him were men in black suits. They were in a dark room.

”Why am I here. What are you going to do to me?” Karma wearily asked.

”These men are going to teach you a lesson. So you won't ever dare get close to Shirohana ever again!” Josh said. ”Men, get him.” He then walked out of the place and slammed the door.

”W-wait,” Karma said. ”You don't have to do this.”

”We're getting paid for this. You don't have any say in this,” The men said. They advanced on him.

One guy punched him in the gut.