10 The Visit: The Figh (1/2)

Killer Instinct Sir_Mystera 33360K 2022-07-21

Karma ran straight at the leader with both fists held up. He throws a punch, but the leader dodges it and punches Karma's stomach. Karma fell back but stood his ground. Then he charged in again and tried to elbow the leader's face. The leader quickly got into a position to dodge.

But that merely a feint.

Karma quickly pulled back his elbow and grabbed the leader's head and slammed it on his knee. The leader burst out in pain but managed to stay his ground. Blood dripped from his nose.

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”I got to admit,” the leader said. ”You have been the toughest assignment so far.”

”Same here,” Karma said, smirking. ”You are the only one I have fought who hasn't fallen unconscious yet.”

And with that, the fight continued. Karma kicked the leader in the side but was kicked back in the stomach.

”M'lady, it would be wise to leave right now,” Frank said to Shirohana. ”These hooligans might hurt you in their ridiculous brawl.

”N-No, I'm alright,” Shirohana said weakly. ”Let me watch.”

*Why do you keep on wanting to be with that brat? Haven't you had enough of all of those that had betrayed your trust?* Frank angrily thought as he looked at Shirohana.

He had taken care of Shirohana since she was 13, which was when her mother got remarried to the head of the Kamayama Family. He had been there and had seen the harsh events that had occurred in Shirohana's life.

Now she's repeating the past that she is trying to move away from.

He wanted to take her away. He wanted to close her relationship to anyone so that she wouldn't have to despair again. But at the same time, he was secretly curious.

*What does she see in that brat? He's not rich. He has no friends. And he has this ”condition” that makes him go berzerk. Why is she so determined to see this through?!*

”I'm going to finish this now,” the leader said.

”You ain't finishing anything!” Karma said. ”The fun has only just begun!” Karma ran towards the leader and punched him. The leader was pushed back, but quickly regained his stance and threw a one-two. Karma jumps back to avoid the attack, but the leader kept advancing with a barrage of punches. Karma managed to weave through most of the attacks but was hit hard in the head and chest.

Karma, getting even more excited, advanced back and attacked with a combination of kicks and punches. The leader fought back with his martial art moves. After what seemed like forever, they stopped, each panting from the long fight.

”Huff...huff. Do you ever...go down?” the leader said, exhausted.

”What?...huff...You already tired?” Karma said smugly, but also very tired.

”You cocky brat...” the leader said, as he got into his stance. Just when he was about to engage in another round, his phone rang.

He picked it up, talked, and hung up.

”Tsk,” the leased clicked his tongue. ”Guess this is it, isn't it?”

”What? You giving up?” Karma said smugly. ”You're not ending this like that! I'm not even half done!”

”No. No, I'm not,” the leader replied. ”But you're right about one thing. I am ending this. I was just told that I needed to finish this job so that I can do my other jobs. Since the contract only said to ”rid of” the target and it has come to this, I guess I have no choice...”

He then reaches into his pocket and puts out something.

A pistol.

”And what are you gonna do with that? Shoot me?” Karma said with a smile.

”Yes, you would be right,” the leader said. ”Since my assignment is just to get rid of you, killing you satisfies the quota.”

”W-Wait!” Josh suddenly blurted out. ”I only said to scare him into never getting near Shirohana. I never said to kill him.”

”Well, that might be what YOU said,” the leader replied. ”But as for the contract, there was no mention of that. You probably should have read the contract thoroughly before signing, eh?”

Josh grated his teeth in frustration.

He turned back to Karma and repointed the pistol at Karma.

”I wished I could fight you more, but due to the circumstances, you will have to die now.” the leader said.

”Interesting. Never tried to fight someone with a gun, but I'm feeling the burn,” Karma said.

”I don't know if you are brave or just plain stupid,” the leader said, facepalming. ”Well, either way, I won't be able to find out nor do I want to. It was nice fighting you, but now your luck has run out.”

He pulls the trigger.