15 Power Stimulation (1/2)

Killer Instinct Sir_Mystera 33780K 2022-07-21

”Woah...” Paul said, amazed.

The room was glamorous. It was clean and sparkly. It seemed like he was the first one to ever walk into this room.

There were a lot of unique machines that were in full view. Even though Paul didn't know much about technology, they still fascinated him and also considering that the machines were only used by the organization and nowhere else.

”Well, have a seat. I need to prepare something for you to get your drug injections.” the man that came in with Paul said.

Paul obliged and sat on one of the available seats near the door. The man was scribbling something on a piece of paper. As the man did his thing, Paul took a long look around the room.

The walls and floor were made of what seems to be a shiny white material. All of the equipment was also white, with a few other colors here and there.

”Alright, I am done,” the man finally said, after about 10 minutes. ”It's time. I would like you to undress to your underwear and lie in this machine please.”

Paul got up and walked over to the machine. It had an open lid and there was a space where someone was to lie down in. Paul took off his clothes and climbed in. It was a little cold, but Paul persevered through the cold by thinking of how he was going to be able to get back at Karma.

The man then went to the side with the controls. The lid closed and the machine started making noise. A scanning light ran over Paul's body in a couple of different ways.

Up-down and vice versa.

Left-Right and vice versa.

Diagonally and sometimes only a part of his body.

After a few minutes, the lid opened.

”Alright, we're done with this test,” the man said. ”Come out and follow me. Don't put your clothes on yet. Use a towel over there if you need it.”

Paul got out of the machine. It was colder getting out than staying in the machine. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. It didn't help much, but he was still warmed up a little.

The man signaled him to come to a machine much like the one Paul was in before, except the lid was made to open from bottom-up and notfrom right-left and there was a good amount of a four-layered liquid, each with a different color, that laid on top of one another, as if something was preventing them from mixing on the bottom of the machine, contained in the glass portion of it.

”Alright. This test isn't like the one before. It's far too intense and can break your mental stability,” the man said. ”I will need to confirm one last time. Are you sure about this?”

”Yes. Yes, I am,” Paul answered without hesitation.

”Alright, but if you become anything other than stable then...” the man began.

”Then?” Paul asked.

”Let's just say it won't be good for your goals,” the man said.

Paul swore he saw a small smile come from the man's mouth, but it didn't matter. If he is successful, he can help the Boss. He was willing to take the risk. After all, he was prepared for this kind of thing when joining the organization.

The man pressed a button on the control panel of the machine. The lid opened and Paul climbed in. This one was freezing. It felt like his bones were frozen.

”Everything you feel is part of the test. You will be submerged in the liquid and cords with sticky padding will be put on your head and a breathing mouthpiece will be ut on your mouth, so don't worry about drowning or anything,” The man said. ”You will then go through a large simulation of attaining and using each power. Since you chose all of them, you will have to go through four parts, which is probably going to take a long while. You'll see when you start.”

”Alright,” Paul said.

The lid then closed, and blackness ensued. After a few minutes, Paul felt the bottom disappear and he was submerged in the liquid. At that exact moment, he drifted into his subconscious and the simulation began.