18 Round Two: Start of the Second Bou (1/2)

Killer Instinct Sir_Mystera 27940K 2022-07-21

*Hopefully she gets better...*

Karma thought of Shirohana as he walked. She had jumped in front of that gun without any hesitation, even though they have only met a few days ago.

He wouldn't have done it, even if it was for a friend or loved one. He would just be frozen in place, unable to save anyone.

As he walked past a park, he saw something lying on one of the benches. Out of curiosity, Karma went toward the benches.

What he saw made him gag and almost throw up.

It was a dead cat. A deep cut was in the middle of its stomach. Its blood was dripping down the bench. It seemed like the car had just been murdered.

*Who the hell did this..?! What kind of sick person would murder a poor stray animal?*

Then, a black bag came onto his head.

”What the hell?” Karma yelled. ”What are you doing to me?”

There was no answer. The person tied Karma hands together and threw him over his shoulder. Karma struggled with all his might, but he could not break free. Whoever it was, they were really strong.

As he struggled, Karma heard the sound of a car engine starting. It got louder and louder as he got closer. The person that captured Karma opened the trunk and threw Karma in there. Then the trunk closed and the car started moving.

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It was a long ride. Karma tried to find some way to escape, but there was nothing to use in the trunk. After about 30 minutes or so, the car stopped. The trunk opened and karma was again being carried over the shoulder. After a few minutes, the person threw Karma onto the floor and lifted the bag.

He was in some kind of abandoned warehouse. The person who kidnapped him was well-built man, with a mohawk and wore only shorts.

”Who are you? Why have you take me here?!” Karma demanded. But the person ignored him.

”Remember me?”

A man's voice came from the balcony above. Karma looked to where the voice came from and he was in shock.

It was the person that Josh hired to rid of him.

”A-Are you here to kill me?” Karma said, afraid.

”Man...I liked it better when you were in your other state. I can't get motivated from a sissy like you,” the man said. ”What do I have to do to get him out?”

”H-He's not coming out,” Karma said, putting on a deceptive brave front. ”I have decided to hold it in. I don't want anyone to get hurt anymore.”

Karma was mostly directing that to Shirohana and saying it because he really doesn't want to hurt anyone again. But the man took it differently. He thought Karma was calling him weak for having trouble in the fight with Karma. His face was full of anger.

”Oh..So you don't think I can handle you, huh?” the man said, cracking his knuckles. ”You are about to regret everything.”

”Why are you doing this to me?” Karma said. ”I, as I am right now,have done nothing wrong!”

”You want to know why you are here?” the man said, even angrier. ”I'll tell you why. You fucked with us, that's why. I don't give a shit if it was your other-self. It doesn't change the fact that you are that brat that got the upper hand on me and my men. I'm glad that butler stopped me. Now I can really get some hard payback.”

He jumped down from the balcony. Karma stared in awe. The man did not seem fazed from jumping down almost 10 foot high. He walked toward Karma.

”You are going to fight me in your other form,” the man said. Then he turned to the man who kidnapped Karma.”Yo, untie him.”

The man complied. He took off the ropes off Karma's hands and legs.

As soon as the ropes were off, Karma tried to make a dash for it. But it was to no avail. The man that jumped down from the balcony caught him and threw him down. Karma screamed in pain. The injuries that he had from the fight a week ago still have not fully recovered.

”Come on,” the man said. ” Bring him out already. I don't feel fired up enough to use my full strength.”